Their Karma is Here!

5 months ago

"Everyone that came for you... karma," rings loud and clear. Judgment and The Devil show that those who wronged you are facing their day of reckoning, trapped in the very toxicity they created. While they are dealing with heartbreak and mental imprisonment, Nine of Pentacles and King of Pentacles show that you are thriving in abundance, independence, and stability. The universe has your back, restoring balance with Six of Pentacles, ensuring that the harm they caused will not go unpunished. Their insincerity is catching up with them, and you are rising above, empowered, renewed, and stronger than ever.

This reading reveals that karma is working swiftly in your favor, protecting your journey and ensuring those who sought to harm you are learning their lessons. Keep standing tall—you are being divinely rewarded for your strength and resilience.

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