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Welcome to The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger YouTube channel! I’m Danny de Hek, aka The Crypto Ponzi Scheme Avenger, and my mission is simple: to expose and shame anyone running or promoting Ponzi schemes and scams.


In this video, we’re diving into Shavez’s latest sales pitch, where he continues peddling new promises to unsuspecting investors through schemes like WAAS, BOOMERANG, CAPITAL 3.0, 9PAY, and BTCC.


In this live video, you’ll witness another jaw-dropping sales pitch from Shavez, who has yet again unleashed a flood of promises for people to buy into—despite never delivering on his past claims. Shavez is notorious for building excitement and giving investors false hope, only to leave them high and dry. His sales pitch is filled with red flags, empty guarantees, and promises that seem too good to be true because they are.

Shavez has been stringing investors along with claims that never come to fruition. Here are just a few of his broken promises:

- Proof of Reserve Audit: Shavez claimed there would be an audit to prove the company’s reserves. Where is it? Nowhere to be found.
- Bank Deposit Promises: He vowed to make a bank deposit, which has never materialized.
- 3% Dividends Payable in Any Crypto: Investors were told they would receive 3% dividends in any cryptocurrency. Instead, they are only paid in BTCC, a worthless token with no liquidity.
- Fix for the Bridge: When the bridge went down, Shavez promised a fix. Still waiting.
- Transparency Around Boomerang Profits: Shavez has not been clear about where the profits go and who is benefiting, leaving investors in the dark.
- Pavel’s Silence: Despite Pavel allegedly being involved, he has never communicated with the community, raising even more doubts about the operation.


Shavez has a pattern of blaming delays on basic issues like white-listing problems and flash loan amounts, all while keeping investors on the hook. Despite promising to make everyone rich with BTCC, no such thing has happened. The launch dates keep getting pushed back—March 1st came and went without a launch.

He talks a big game, claiming he’s only getting four hours of sleep a night because he’s working so hard, but the truth is, his hard work seems to be building layers of deception rather than delivering on promises. It’s always the next big thing with Shavez, and yet, nothing materializes.


AL Bot Free Forever: Shavez promised the AL bot would be free for everyone. That never happened.
Boomerang Christmas Present: He claimed this would be a free gift. It wasn’t.
Sold 35,000 Licenses: Shavez boasted about selling 35,000 Boomerang licenses at a launch event in February 2024. He even claimed they were selling 7,000-10,000 licenses a day, but there’s no credible evidence of this.
He also made outrageous claims like flying people to Dubai in mid-April who managed to sell 50k in matching volume. He has repeatedly promised to liquidate the vault and educate people on how to get their money back, yet there’s been no meaningful action.


Shavez has tried to rebrand himself multiple times, even changing his name from ‘Shavez Anwar’ to just ‘Shavez’, making himself harder to track online. He’s self-elected himself as Sam Lee’s successor in HyperOne, a scam I’ve covered extensively. Now, he’s pushing WAAS, BOOMERANG, 9PAY, and BTCC, none of which have made anyone rich except for the MLM promoters who help him keep this Ponzi scheme alive.

The writing is on the wall for anyone who looks closely: WAAS hasn’t delivered, withdrawals have been stopped without warning, and the marketing budget has been exhausted. Yet, Shavez continues to push this narrative of untold wealth just around the corner. It’s a classic Ponzi tactic—keep the hope alive while the funds slowly drain away.


This video aims to uncover the truth about Shavez and his fraudulent schemes. Don’t fall for his empty promises, and always question anyone selling you the dream of quick riches. If it sounds too good to be true, it almost certainly is.

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Together, we can protect ourselves and others from these ruthless scammers who prey on hard-working investors.

How to Report Cybercrime and Cryptocurrency Scams: A Global Guide:

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