Who Do Christians Fight?

12 days ago

Who did Jesus Christ fight against?

Devil in the Temptation and Peter when He said "Get beging me, Satan!  Other than that it was constant warfare with the Jews. Non-Stop.  This is a reflection of Genesis 3:15.

There is a movement to reduce battle to spiritual "exercises:" Prayer, fasting, feeding the hungry, housing the poor, and Interfaith coalitions.  These find approval with the antichrist forces because they are either antichrist themselves (Look up Interfaith Coalitions in the Bible), or are a substitute for the real fight.

Jesus Christ goes to the heart of the matter. It is not the Republicans, Democrats, Communists nor Secular Humanists who are Satan's representatives on the earth. The Jews are the enemy of Jesus Christ, and therefore of all faithful Christians.

We will not change the world -- discipline the nations under Jesus Christ -- until we are willing to face and do battle against Satan's synagogue and the devil's own children, and their allies.

Hilary Clinton is an example of a non-Jew who has sided with the Jews, her daughter married a Jew, as did Trump's daughter and as did all of Biden's children.   The Adelson family money supports Republican candidates, as long as they are pro-Jew and pro-Zionism.   Over fifty members of Congress have allegiances to that foreign Zionist entity (which is mis-named).

We must inculcate a vision without ourselves (the Christian Church and the White Race) where Jesus Christ is explicitly our political Monarch as demanded by the First Commandment:

“I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.  You shall have no other gods before Me." Exodus 20:2-3

Moses worshipped Jesus Christ: "So the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend. " Exodus 33:11. No man has seen the Father, it was Jesus Christ that Moses conversed with.

Fritz Berggren, PhD

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