Mystic Poetry - Dance of Life to Wholeness

16 days ago

Someone asked for something practical to help open the Eye of the Heart.
Reading and I mean mystic reading, not that ‘thinking’ staff from cover to cover, but that intuitive following clues to a dream symbol or mythological image that you want to know, and which is a method for opening of the Eye of the Heart, goes something like this. Go to the right book’s index and look up a reference to what you want to know.
And then finding the right page you will also find a clue, which will lead you to another index reference which leads to another clue and so on. Following this invisible trace until one day the symbol you are contemplating becomes transparent to its reference, the veil of culture lifts, and you see through your opened Eye of the Heart to the All in us all. That’s when you put the books away, and find that what you were looking for, the Source, was not as you ‘thought’ only to be found somewhere out there, in books and gurus, but as it always is, within you. This is the Dance of Life.

Having rediscovered your Intuitive Centre, the Eye of the Heart, do not look over your shoulder, live from it.

Look, there is no such thing as ‘your’ inner world.
There is only the one and the same for us all ‘the Single inner world’, and your everyday reality is a reflection of how well, or how poorly you understand that Numinous Dimension.

Through our own direct inner experience of the Divine we become like true poets and talented shaman; interpreters of the feminine mystery of the Eternal ideas.

You see people travel to Mecca, to Jerusalem or to Banares, to the mountains of Nepal, or even to all the pagan sites in Europe where a stream or a cave dedicated to the Goddess is to be found, one geographical place after another, and yet, the only place where you truly find, not only ‘peace of mind,’ healing, and holiness, but more importantly, that which you are really looking for, a direct mystic experience of the Feminine Mystery of the Divinity you really are, the Soul, is never found in another place or person, for it is already in the Sacred Garden of your Heart, waiting to be awakened into consciousness, within you.

How to Support my Work (and thank you!):

My Books;
Where We Dream the Single Dream
Mystic Soul

To book a dream/vision interpretation or one-on-one session with me contact me here;
My personal page;
My professional page; / soulsessionswithmarek
My YouTube Channel; / @marekpeterkaziniec

#divinefeminineenergy #malehealth #poetry #cgjung #mythology #religion #darkfeminine

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