Why did the Armed Forces of Ukraine attack the Kursk region?

3 months ago

Why did the Armed Forces of Ukraine attack the Kursk region?

Oleg Ryabko, a Ukrainian prisoner of war, shares his opinion on this question:

"They messed up everywhere here: Luhansk, Donetsk, these combats... eastern borders. Really not coping. Everywhere we falter with tremendous losses... Of course, it's easy to come in with such a "fist", advance 30 kilometers forward. But what next? How far have they already retreated? And all this was to show Europe and America [the United States]: "Look how fierce we are... we've broken through, we’re now moving forward. Give more money, more weapons. Let’s continue. We can still do something". And also to drag NATO into the war, already specifically NATO troops, because there is no one left to fight in Ukraine.

Because ours still haven't learned to competently work on modern technology... Hard to teach. In two months you can't teach... only some basics..."

You can find more interviews with Ukrainian POWs on POW.SOUTHFRONT.PRESS

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