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15 seconds

Fake Awake!

Streamed on:

Eric von Essex: "Fockham Hall" for people that have refused to have toxic chemicals pumped into their arm and are awake! : https://www.facebook.com/groups/696180061931665

Eric von Essex: Telegram Channel: https://t.me/fockhamhall

Eric von Essex Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/L5Y9lDMgG0IX/

Eric von Essex Odysee Channel: https://odysee.com/@ericvonessexshow:a

Eric von Essex Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/v3m9scg-demonic-hypnosis-censored-by-youtube.html

Eric von Essex Website: http://www.fockhamhallradio.com/

Eric von Essex late father's controversial website: http://www.warveteran.co.uk

Eric von Essex, his Dad's book on Amazon and Kindle: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0B39F49FL/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_image_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1

Donation: To help finance Eric's work, why not buy him a cup of coffee! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/ericvonessex


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  • The story of the Canaanite woman is misinterpreted by your guest, whilst it true that he initially ignores her, she persists and wins him over (some might say outwits him), "Woman, you have great faith!" (in contrast to the “little faith” he often points out among his disciples.) That incident actually changes the direction of Jesus' mission as per Matthew's Gospel. His work is no longer limited to just the Jews but reaches out the the Gentiles too. "Go and make disciples of all nations.." The message for all of us is to be persistent, insistent and to come to him with a sense of our own helplessness. Not to turn away in anger if you initially do not get your own way. All along, Jesus has been welcoming outsiders and disenfranchised people such as tax collectors, prostitutes, and “unclean” people. The Canaanite woman’s reward foreshadows the fact that God’s family is about to expand beyond Israel to include “all nations” Today, His Church is primarily Gentile.

    1 like
  • please use headphones, echo is off very putting

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  • Many will think that they have escaped the Matrix only to unconsciously enter the next Matrix, then the one after that, and so on etc...it's Matrices all the way!

  • In the rhythm of civilisations many of us can see this old piscese one is coming to an end and it has been a long process. Our journey of rediscovery is now harmonizing with this universe and realizing how powerfull we are as we co-create a better world. To direct energy critising other paths and beliefs is negative wasted energy. Show the light and don't get lost in the dark.