We The Locals Clips: Amendment 1 - Partisan School Board Elections

5 months ago

Part of our Amendment-Palooza episode, the ladies dig into Florida Amendment 1, on the November 2024 ballot, and discuss what the text says, doesn't say, and sheds light on the forces backing this amendment.

Full text: https://dos.elections.myflorida.com/Initiatives/fulltext/pdf/10-104.pdf

Ballot Summary (YES/NO):

Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to require members of a district school board to be elected in a partisan election rather than a nonpartisan election and to specify that the amendment only applies to elections held on or after the November 2026 general election. However, partisan primary elections may occur before the 2026 general election for purposes of nominating political party candidates to that office for placement on the 2026 general election ballot.

Download your We The Locals Amendment Guide today: https://wethelocalspodcast.com/amendment-guide

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