Weighing a big Akita female!

17 days ago

I am dogsitting this weekend for my mom's Akita, Mochi.

Mochi is a big girl. She stands at 28" at the shoulders and weighed in at 122 lbs! She's fit as well, so no extra fat that many dogs carry. A slim and fit 122 lbs.

Mochi is the first Akita in the family. She was born on 2/1/2019. My brother got Mochi from Allen's Akitas after watching Hachi: A Dog's Tale. He was looking for a dog and after that movie he fell in love with the Akita loyalty and purchased Mochi.

Unfortunately Mochi outgrew his home at the time and my parents took her in. My mom grew even closer to Mochi after my dad suddenly passed away.

Occasionally I get to dogsit, which leaves me watching 3 Akitas; 1 male and 2 females. I have to keep an eye on the girls, because they barely tolerate each other. They cannot be allowed to be in a situation where they are competing, so no toys or treats can be laying around or they will battle over it. Even without that, I still have to get very commanding with them when I catch them staring at each other too intently. I don't mean to make it sound worse than it is, because I keep them under my authority and they are around each other all day for several days. They don't play together, but can lay near each other.

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