RED ALERT: IT'S IN OUR BLOOD! -- Dr. Ana Mihalcea | Pfizer BioN Tech COVID19 Bioweapon Mixed With EDTA/ Vitamin C Day 6 Shows No Nanotechnology. Mixing The Solutions Shows Deactivation Of Nanobots IMMEDIATELY - In Dental Anesthetics and COVID19 Shots

3 months ago

Dr. Ana Mihalcea returns to SGT Report with NEW dark field blood microscopy proving that NON-vaccinated people are being transfected with the mRNA nano technology, it's in our blood! But as you know, we always try to bring you GOOD news too, and Ana explains exactly how each and every one of us can get this satanic transhumanist sh#t out of our bodies! DO NOT miss this one!
Further evidence that Calcium Disodium EDTA plus Vitmain C is extremely effective in abolishing the self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 bioweapons and dental anesthetics.
See Related Document HERE:

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