We Are Eating Fake Fruit

5 months ago

🚜🇺🇸Proof Was Just Published We Are Eating Fake Fruit In America

“We knew it, and now there's proof. Of course, it wasn't our FDA or our CDC that published this. No. It had to be clear across the world.”

American watermelons in the study have been proven to be adulterated. Actually consuming these adulterated watermelons can lead to serious health complications.:

After seen being injected with Erythrocyne B (shown in the video)

- This has been linked to altered childhood behavior.
- Thyroid dysfunction
- Centimeters Carbide, that white dust that you might see on an a watermelon. It’s a cousin to arsenic. It's used for artificial ripening. It's literally a poison
- It causes kidney problems, lung problems, liver problems
- Centimeters Carbide Poison can put you into a coma and potentially die

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