Prohibition of Abortion in Religion

3 months ago


“Abortion merely to prevent the birth of an unwanted child is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in the Cause.” - Lights of Guidance, Chapter XXIX

“O my Lord, I DEDICATE THAT WHICH IS IN MY WOMB UNTO THEE. Then cause it to be a praiseworthy child in Thy Kingdom [...]” - Tablets of Abdu'l-Bahá Abbas, a prayer prescribed for female servants of God


“There are five kinds of EVIL KARMA which are difficult to extinguish, even if one were to repent of them. [...] The first one is killing the father, the second one is killing the mother, the third one is ABORTION, the fourth one is to injure the Buddha, the fifth one is to create disharmony among the Sangha assemblies.” - The Great Dharani Sutra

“[...] In a past life, this being committed a CRIME OF ABORTING HER OWN BABY in this Rajgir City, and thus fell into hell for thousands of years to suffer relentless punishment.” - Samyukta Agama Sutra, Chapter 512


“Souls are crowding hell’s mountain of fire, inside and outside, Wherefrom came the stinking and burning smell! There, punishments are measured on those who seduced young men and women, and those who DEVISED POISONS [for] and who DID ABORTIONS, [THUS] DESTROYING THE HUMAN SPECIES.” - Repentance Sutra, The Prayers of the Heavenly Way


“Before I formed you in the womb, I KNEW YOU.” - Jeremiah 1:5, Holy Bible

“He will be FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, even from his mother’s womb.” - Luke 1:15, Holy Bible


“He who causes abortion, plunders a town, kills a cow, or strangles a man, GOES TO THE RODHA HELL (the hell of obstruction).” - Vishnu Purana 2.6

“That woman or that man who caused an abortion in her or his previous existence would certainly have a STILLBORN CHILD.” - Padma Purana, Brahma-khanda 5.18


“KILL NOT YOUR OFFSPRING for fear of poverty; it is We who provide for them and for you. Surely, KILLING THEM IS A GREAT SIN.” - Holy Quran 17:31


“Children too are a gift from Adonai (the Lord); THE FRUIT OF THE WOMB IS A REWARD.” - Psalm 127:3, Holy Hebrew Bible


“Upside-down WITHIN THE WOMB, IT LOVINGLY DWELLS ON THE LORD; God provides for it, and gives it nourishment there...” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 1013

“The Lord created the body from the sperm, and protected it in the fire pit. For ten months HE PRESERVED YOU IN YOUR MOTHER’S WOMB...” - Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, Ang 481


“It is wrong to raid a nest and destroy the eggs therein; IT IS WRONG TO INTRUDE THE BODY AND REMOVE A FETUS or any form therein.” - Supreme Deity Taishang Laojun on the 100 Social Ills

“IT IS WRONG TO ADVOCATE ABORTION.” - Supreme Deity Taishang Laojun on the 100 Social Ills


“And if the damsel, from dread of the people, shall destroy the fruit in her womb, the sin is on both the father and herself, the murder is on both the father and herself; both the father and herself SHALL PAY THE PENALTY FOR WILLFUL MURDER.” - Vendidad, Fargard 15, Holy Avesta



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