JD Vance Shuts Liars At Kamala HQ DOWN For Accusing Him Of 'Running From The Press' & It's GLORIOUS

5 months ago

Posted • September 20, 2024: We're not entirely sure who runs the Kamala HQ Twitter/X account but whoever it is, man oh MAN they are incapable of telling the truth. Heck, even CNN's Daniel Dale has started fact-checking her HQ account and considering he claimed she herself only lied ONCE during the presidential debate against Trump you KNOW it's bad. Case in point, accusing JD Vance of avoiding the press. Notice they didn't bother to tag him because of course they didn't. -- Kamala HQ @KamalaHQ: “Q: Senator Vance, do you have any reaction to the Mark Robinson news? - Vance: *rushes into other room*” -- Vance was quick to 'correct' them. -- JD Vance @JDVance: “"Rushes into other room" - I was *walking* to the doctor (because one of my kids gave me the plague.) My comment on Mark Robinson is that Kamala Harris cast the deciding vote on the Inflation Explosion Act and because of that a lot of Americans can't afford groceries.” -- BUT HE MUSTA BEEN SKEERED, REEEEEEE.

Sad, simple, lying little creatures at Kamala HQ. Pathetic. Oh, and about grocery bills under Kamala NOW: My grocery bill has TRIPLED under Kamala Harris's failed rule. If she thinks she can fix the cost of groceries why hasn't she done it as VP already? She is all but the incumbent. This isn’t even JD Vance’s final form. -- HA HA HA HA - Kamala HQ accusing others of rushing into another room to avoid press is RICH! Especially when the mainstream media is MORE than friendly to Kamala. RICH is putting it nicely.

Twitchy: JD Vance Shuts Liars at Kamala HQ DOWN for Accusing Him of 'Running From the Press' and It's GLORIOUS
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