Murray Leinster Audiobook The Deadly Dust The Early Days of Science Fiction 1940s Sci Fi

5 months ago

Murray Leinster Sci-Fi Audiobooks The Early Days of Sci Fi Science Fiction Short Story From the 1940s

When Geiger counters all over America went into too-high gear, Dr. David Murfree knew there was only one man to see–Bud Gregory, the hillbilly genius of the atom! The Deadly Dust by Murray Leinster, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

Thanks to Peetee Bee who gave us a 5 star rating and review on Apple Podcasts Great Britain.“Well narrated. My go to for old sci-fi brilliantly narrated - no need for sound effects or background music. Keep ‘em coming I’m almost up to date. Thank you for a brilliant podcast.” Thank YOU Peetee Bee! Your review on Apple Podcasts is a great way to support The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

Bud Gregory is back. This is the third story in the Bud Gregory Saga written by Murray Leinster. All of them can be enjoyed individually, but if you want to go back and listen to all of the stories in the order that they appeared in 1947, The Gregory Circle was first, followed by The Nameless Something and today’s story, The Deadly Dust.

Let’s turn back the hands of time exactly 77 years ago to August 1947. The story we are seeking can be found on page 11, The Deadly Dust by Murray Leinster…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, It wasn't that Kroll enjoyed watching the traitors broken in body and spirit. But why did they keep insisting they were innocent before—The Inquisitor. By Robert Silverberg

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