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Michelle's Eviction Day

Streamed on:

#mglmichellegoeslive #lisarichard #withoutacrystalball


  • 0/2000
  • Michelle you are 50 and you are absolutely about to be homeless not to mention I bet you have no retirement or plan for the future? we are all tired of your mouth and bs. If you do know anything about money you would know that you can't walk down on a Friday at 4:00pm and just buy a house, take money from your 401 K, then close on everything. lol 😆 put your panties on or not the repo people don't care. I am happy for ETN he is finally going to free from you and moving on. Meanwhile Michelle "I always win" you lost.

  • and Michelle you are the one acting like ETN. It's you he would never have you in his avatar ever. please it's your words, your thinking and ETN has been doing everything by the book. God bless him 🙏 I hope he is happy after all this (you).

  • Today Michelle is officially a SQUATTER

  • I call 🐂 shit on all of this from Michelle.

  • replay crew hope sissy had a wonderful birthday 🎂

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  • Replay crew Thumbnail 🤣🤣🤣i m 💀

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  • Sorry to intrigued but there woman online doxes people information tgis woman a scammer and liar she doesnt know she makimg off Aaron carter and Monique Figueroa and she brainwashing fans thinking he was murder he not murder he drowned and combination drugs but here crazy lady online conspiracy theories bs but anyways send this to Charlotte in the the web hopefully stellaroseallday stella rose Dionne lang can be shut it down she also three Facebook pages hushmoney shatteredwindowsmemoir and stellaroseallday reddit Amazon website cameo tiktok instagram youtube medium.com go check it out people need canceled stellaroseallday deplatformed stellaroseallday all social media platform need public help this one thank you here link channels https://youtube.com/@stellaroseallday?si=kOyegfwM1oSNPJk0 there it is well have a great day

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  • Michelle is so ridiculous!! She even said she is sleeping with this dude!! That's buying her house. She thinks a million dollars is soooo much money. It it but not like it was 15 years ago!! Smh

  • Methy is so nasty. So if he buys the house she gets to live there??

  • Omg, Michelle & Lisa are two of a kind! I can't stand either of them toss KJ in you have the 3 musketeers. You'll never find a bigger liar than Lisa. She's a POS and deserves NO grace whatsoever .

  • ONE more thing, is she not the ugliest fake crier? Not even a block from her parents house and acts lost AF & expects us to believe her BS.. Bitch grew up in Pittsburgh, GTFOH with that $hit, acting like a billy bad ass while laid up at the roach motel ( her apt) streaming from that dirty ass mattress, saying that she wasn't afraid of anyone or anything & she'd have no problem living on the street & would figure things out later. That's until she found out that the Tik Tok streets are a whole lot different than the pot hole riddled streets of Pittsburgh! She better be saving up for a better pair of shoes and a warm coat Pittsburghs pretty damn cold in the winter. ( I wish her dad's neighbor would have put an ass whipping on Lisa. It's coming! )

  • I have a feeling she is going to stay in the home. Seems like the Police Department there in her city don't care, so they leave her alone. (Its so different here in my State.) I don't wish bad on anyone thats not who I am, but Michelle has done a lot of people wrong. She loves using the "N" word, and that makes me sick! I wish I could go thru my computer and pop her in the face! She deserves what is coming her way, you don't get to treat people badly, and think you can get away with it!!!!! Im also glad ATM is dating, we heard that from Trey. ATM, deserves to be happy!!! Michelle has ruined him!!!!

  • Im sorry, that guy is not in love with Michelle!!! She's only gonna use him to benefit her!!!! She is a hot mess, dirty, dysfunctional, mental, etc!!! She is all about money, looks for men with money so she can stay home and live off of their money! She's gonna destroy that poor man! He better wake up and run fast and never look back!!!! What does she have to bring to the table? NOTHING!

  • Is she out of the house yet??? I bet not!