Project "Adelis": The Fall of Mistral | Valeris

6 days ago

This song (yes AI Generated), is about a character in my Adelis story project named Valeris. She is the Princess of the Mistral Kingdom. Its capital city of Aquios is a beautiful City of Water built at the center of a large Lake, with 4 bridges connecting it to land in all cardinal directions. Its filled with many canals and walkways surrounding the Castle. Her Kingdom has always been a peaceful one who deeply cherishes its people. Days were always plentiful and filled with peace, until the invasion of the Daehenis Army came suddenly and without warning. Their knights marched across the bridges, surrounding the capital and tearing down its gates. As they trailed through the city, leaving death and destruction in their wake, the King, Vysin, and the Prince, Adrian, found Princess Valeris and tasked her three retainers to escort her out of the Capital through a secret tunnel that passes underwater and through the land leading to safety. She pleaded for them to come with her, but the King and Prince were resolved to take a last stand to ensure they get away safely. Tears rolling down her face, she cries out as her Knights carry her into the Tunnel. The King and Prince fought to their last breath, buying them enough time to get away as their castle fell to ruins, its rumble sinking to the bottom of the lake.
On the outside, leaving from the secret tunnel, she looks back, still crying, she vows to one day return and reclaim her Kingdom. Her Knights then escort her on what would be a dangerous journey to one of their allied Kingdoms, Zazath.

(Some bonus context about Valeris herself, to explain her two tone hair, she is descendent from a Snow Elf, the Royal Family has been mixed blood for multiple generations, leading to what you see of their white and blue hair colors being common.)



X (Twitter):



Editing: Nalvak
Thumbnail: Nalvak
Lyrics: Nalvak
Art: NovelAI (with my descriptions of Valeris of course)
Vocals/Instrumentals: Suno (Using the lyrics I made for Valeris)



Mistral crumbles night falls swift
Fire roars the kingdom's rift
Knights in armor shadows cast
Princess flees through echoes past

Moonlight dances on her face
Guiding through the darkened space
Every step a heavy breath
Running from the cold embrace of death

Run Valeris run
Through the darkened night so cold
For it's the fall of Mistral
Run Valeris run
For your heart is brave and bold

Father's cry and brother's plea
Fading in the storm's decree
World in twilight drenched in red
She escapes with whispers fled

Moonlight dances on her face
Guiding through the darkened space
Every step a heavy breath
Running from the cold embrace of death

Run Valeris run
Through the darkened night so cold
For it's the fall of Mistral
Run Valeris run
For your heart is brave and bold

Zazath's hills so far away
Hope and sorrow guide the way
Vows of vengeance in her heart
Destiny won't tear apart

Knights beside her through despair
Sworn to guard her none would dare
Valeris whispers to the night
One day soon I'll make this right

Moonlight dances on her face
Guiding through the darkened space
Every step a heavy breath
Running from the cold embrace of death

Run Valeris run
Through the darkened night so cold
For it's the fall of Mistral
Run Valeris run
For your heart is brave and bold

Stars will guide her through the strife
In the dark she'll find the light
Valeris, stand and face the dawn
For the battle's just begun, and the old ways are gone

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