Song of love Metal Jesus official video

4 months ago

Song of love metal metal Jesus offcial single
underground heavy metal band official single
unsigned hard rock band official single video

Song of love metal metal Jesus offcial single The band Song of love is very original some topics are about spiritual things some others about enjoying oneself . This song has amazing intro and very cute chorus . I always love the bass line in Song of love If you are a bass lover you will love song of love . Song of love metal official pass our channel to your friends suscribe

Listening to underground heavy metal band official single Song of love metal official is heavy metal but we can hear different influcnece that makes the music very original . A lot os bass and guitar duo such as we can hear in classical muusic . Some bass lines from Fabien are sometimes as Thin Lizzy a rock band but with some groovy moves

Unsigned hard rock band official single video One exemple of that is the song sex music from the firthcoming album First angels message . It is a straight metal song but the bass line moves It is very interesting . Song of love never falls into funk or such . Some songs are heavier such as Babylon is fallen and Ellne White the instrumentals .

Song of love metal metal Jesus offcial single Some songs are more mellow such a s A girl named clit and Sliding love . This is the most light Song of love comes .clos rto mixing many heavy metla genres and more . This is original as sometimes a metal band will only play a very restricted genre of music .

In your underground heavy metal band official single Song of love can be thrash with Adventist metalhead and power metal with Babylon is fallen and such as VanHalen jupm with A girl named clit . And balad makers with working for the cumshot . Your unsigned hard rock band official single video Song of love metal official like and suscribe

Song of love Metal Jesus

Metal jesus loving.the lost
Metal.jesus.don t fit in the crowd
Metal.jesus cares for the stray
Metal jesus eternal .love

Whatever you have done
Cares for you evermore
You can t do anything
That will make him not to love

Rejected by this world
No one loves you in this pond
Tears are falling from your face
Jesus receives you open amrs

You don t have to walk alone
Jesus close by your side
He s your forever friend
He ll keep you till the end

He ll bring.out of pain
trouble grief loneliness
He know what s going on
Every day watches you

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metal jesus song of love
Song of love metal Jesus

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