BUSTED - Former New York Covid czar hosted secret drug-fueled sex parties during global pandemic

4 months ago

Former New York Covid czar hosted secret drug-fueled sex parties during global pandemic; says New Yorkers would have been 'pissed' if they found out because he led the entire Covid response for the city

Dr. Jay Varma, former senior public health advisor in the New York City Mayor’s office:
"I had to be a little sneaky about it... I was leading the whole Covid response for the city... we rented a hotel... we all took something like, you know, Molly [E*stasy/MDMA]... 8 to 10 of us were in a room... we were just naked with friends..."
"We went to some kind of underground dance party... under a bank on Wall Street... we were all going crazy..."

“That wasn’t Covid-friendly.”

"I was doing all this kinky, sexual stuff while I was, you know, on TV and stuff..."

“I could only do this job for the city if I had a chance to let off steam every now and then.” StormIsUponUsJM
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