53. Healing from MCAS and Histamine issues with Jen Donavan

4 months ago

In this episode, of the Healer Revolution, we’re joined by Jen Donovan, MS, NTP, a Gut-Brain Axis Specialist and Certified Trauma Releasing Exercises Provider who rebuilt her life after battling severe chronic illness, including Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). With no relief from conventional medicine, Jen turned to her extensive education and personal experience to develop a comprehensive healing protocol.

Jen’s Six Support Protocols provide a structured, evidence-based approach that addresses gut health, nervous system balance, and trauma release. Her programs are life-changing for those struggling with MCAS and related chronic conditions, offering hope and empowerment for individuals ready to rebuild their health from the ground up.

If you're searching for answers to complex health issues, Jen's personal journey and professional expertise make this a must-listen.

Wholebody Healing with Jen

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