Kid Performs Dance Routine Unaware His Older Brother Is Stealing The Show

6 years ago

The kid in glasses figured this was probably his big moment. Mom was there with the video camera and no one else was around, so it was the perfect time to show off his new song and dance routine. He stands with his back to the camera first – because, come on, this is how you make a great first impression – then jumps around and starts singing. Oh, how he sings! Oh, how he dances! And it would have been just great if it hadn’t been for his older brother who immediately appears in the background. The older brother starts dancing around himself – but keeping quiet so as not to alert his singing brother – and basically upstages him from start to finish. The older brother mimics some of the routine and adds his own unrehearsed flourishes and movements too and basically puts his younger brother to shame. This is sibling rivalry at its sharpest – because mind games work much better than just beating someone up.

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