Democrats are right. Trump IS causing a division between us. (Sept. 20, 2024)

5 months ago

A division between Good and Evil. The #Marxist-Democrats are about EVIL and POWER. MAGA is about GOOD and FREEDOM. --> "Drawing from Judeo-Christian traditions, ancient Greece, the Roman Republic and the founding of this country, we see a struggle between good and evil. Those who practice evil, do it for their own growth of wealth and power at the expense of various minority groups. The Democratic Party is seen as the evil party both in the reason for its founding and in the practices it used in the past and still uses today. This is explored in its history of favoring slavery, segregation and white supremacy. The policies of Presidents Jackson, Van Buren, Wilson, F. Roosevelt, Lyndon Johnson, Clinton and Obama were harmful to minorities — and now critical race theory, political correctness and white privilege is used to push a socialist agenda. This book is about the evil the Democratic Party has pushed for its own wealth and power." --> Pelosi's books are about POWER. And her stock trades?

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