Is fornication a sin

5 months ago

Is sex outside mariage a sin in the bible ?
Is it a sin to have sex outside mariage in the bible ?
Is it wrong to have sex outside mariage in the bible ?

Is sex outside mariage a sin in the bible ? Forst of all did you know that using neem oil you can avoid having babies and you can avoid abortion . This is very good to know and can save lives . The mitake comes because modern christians think that the word fornication means sex outside mariage .

When we go to the ethymology or the origin of the world we find out that the word ne never means sex outside mariage . Is it a sin to have sex outside mariage in the bible ? Word change meaning , even if you go to a bible dictionary you will find that the meaning of the words in dictionaries are the meaning at the time of writing and what society thinks the word means at the time of writing . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Is it wrong to have sex outside mariage in the bible ? So in 2023 fornication means sex outsid emariage . Did it mean the same when the bible writers wrote the bible in the first centiry ? No did fornication mean the same thing when in 1611 the king James was translated ? No

Is sex outside mariage a sin in the bible ? What does fornicaiton mean back then ? As we want to know which food we can eat we go to Leveticus 11 When we want the correct seual practive we go to Leveticus 15 TO 18 . Nowhere does it mention sex outside mariage . In fact in Deut 22 it peaks about 3 sexual examples

Is it a sin to have sex outside mariage in the bible ? Example 1 and 2 the person is married and there is sex, so they are killed . Example 3 the persons are single , no one is killed and there is no shedding of bood . God makes a big difference between sex adultery and sex outside mariage for singles . In this case the men went to the fathe rand gave him some money because 1 the woman was virgin 2 she lived with her father . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

Is it wrong to have sex outside mariage in the bible ? All sin requires shedding of blood . Why does every example of sex outside mariage in the old testament does not have shedding of blood ? All examples of adultery in the old testament show shedding of blood . It is better to mary than to burn . If Paul says it is better it means there is an option .

Is sex outside mariage a sin in the bible ? It is better to be a vegan, but God allows meat eating . It is better to mary but sometimes this is not the best option . Especially with feminism today men is much better off without being married . Is it a sin to have sex outside mariage in the bible ? If sex outside mariage was a sin then all old testament people will go to hell . But God says holy men of God spake as they wer emoved by the Holy Spirit

Is it wrong to have sex outside mariage in the bible ? Who were those men of God that wrote the bible ? Solomon with 700 sexual girlfriends Enough to have 2 different women in your bedneach night . David with about the same number . A concubine is someone you have sex with without bring married . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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