Before WW2 (1939), American Jewish owned Newspapers reported "6 MILLION JEWS" & "HOLOCAUSTS" countless times!

5 months ago

The examples shown in this video represent just a tiny fragment of references to the magic number “6,000,000” or “holocaust” and “extermination” that are documented in newspaper articles going as far back as 1900. Any American who sees this video can be excused if they question the Holocaust.

Rather than a tragic historical event, it looks like some kind of Jewish lore, an idea floating around and looking for a place to land; and land it did, in central Europe during WW2.

These kinds of videos used to be found on Youtube, but not anymore. All have been purged to protect against “hate speech” which is a transparent excuse to censor anything that questions the narrative of the Holocaust, or for that matter, many things related to WW2. The larger story of the Holocaust is obviously true, that is the imprisonment of Jews, Gypsies, criminals and others for their removal from Germany and never to return. Documents, pictures and even videos tell the story; but the core issue of the intentional murder by gassing of millions of Jews is not true.

This false narrative of a Holocaust serves a purpose. It presents an event so incredibly evil that it creates a mental block to any further consideration of the WW2 story. It justifies anything done by us or our allies and makes WW2 the “good” war. It prevents asking questions such as: “Why did we join with atheist, Communist Soviet Union to destroy Christian Germany”? or “Why did we go to war against Germany who never attacked us or threatened us”?

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