Christian Esoteric Gnostic Knews and Views | WHO IN HELL IS GOG & MAGOG p1

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Part ONE
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Published on 13 September 2024, this new remote-viewing session by Kahmia Dunson in Farsight's Deep News series describes what will possibly happen in the upcoming war between Israel and Hezbollah.
Soon we will be inundated with all things Gog and Magog.
Who, in Hell, is Gog and who is Magog?

Gog and Magog Trailer
Trailer 2

Deep State’s favorite game is Cain of the hill.
One of the favorite games of the Chimeras which one of the cutthroats will win the bet . . . ………

In this short screed, I hope to prove the continued existence of Gog and Magog.

They will emerge on the cusp of the tribulation, as John on the Isle of Patmos states, and other prophets bore witness through Jesus Christ the WORD Revelator.

Again, John also writes about Gog and Magog at the end of Golden age. At the end of the Millennial Kingdom.

So to be clear, I know of at least one other battle, in the distant past, Abraham paid tithes to Melchizedek.

While they were both returning from this battle Abraham gave Melchizedek 10% of the spoils.

Spoils usually means loot they felt entitled too, to repay their creditors or to refill their bank’s of provisions or to reward, give blessing to someone.

Melchizedek, had just “saved” the World. Our Christ has experience.

There are thousands of years between the strange antiheroes first advent and their second entrance stage left.

They are locked away behind a strong spiritual wall built by Melchizedek.

Some say wall is built in Japan, Korea or from the Mongoles.
What I am out to write comes from an Sunni Islamic think tank.

They are kicking around the idea Gog and Magog may be imprisoned beyond the Arctic Ice Wall. I thankful for those who see beyond box, or in this case; beyond the North.

Ice wall

The emergence of Gog and Magog is a herald of the of the last of days.

These beings of Gog and Magog have been trying to scale the wall.

Others, are trying to digging underground of the wall.

A third and fourth groups are searching out the length and breadth of the wall.
One day, to their amazement, their work kept gaining progress as with the perspective. These evil doers, gobble up Adrenochrome by the gallons.
[They] are evil personified.

These beings are hybridized and bastardized of breeding stock and off worlders.

The story of Gog and Magog.
They are destined for destruction. How can a Holy God assign them for annihilation except they a wholly and completely irreconcilable to God.

They are known for their passion; for their love armed combat. All trained to kill.

The Sunni’s recognized the names Gog and Magog as not being a part of their language set. Their names Gog and Magog, means people of high mountains.

They will again rear their head near the end of age when the end of the age, when works of evil will fill the bowl of evil brew.

There have been many Antichrists who plagued men and angels throughout the ages.

2 Thessalonians 2:7

May I suggest, the influence of Gog and Magog is already in the world.

Revelation 13:1-10

Overlay this scripture over our Hueman experience today.
Will you not see the last 100 years have been the most irreligious group of young people in all of known history.

The second advent of Gog and Magog is at the end of this age, just before the Tribulation of the Jews, the unbelievers, and the Lizards masquerading among people.

•The Tribulation Is
Made For The Jews•
As Hell was made for Satan and his minions. The Tribulation, a time of great trouble, is made for the Jewish people to cleanse them from their foolishness, their fear, their pride and shame.

The tribulation is at the end of days is for the Jewish people. As a Nation, once revered by God, as a Nation set apart. A Nation, a people loved by God.

One way or another Yeshua will purify the people he once loved.

A people who are stiff necked, a people who are obstinate in their sin.

What is their sin; as a race of people?

They allowed the Synagogue of Satan [Cain] to infiltrate their high and holy calling place, as the light to the nations.

God cut them down as worthless and worthy to be burned up with chaff.
As the last age, the age of Noah, was destroyed by water. The end of this days, will be of fire.

2 Peter 3:6-7

They will be separated, in the time of Jacob’s Trouble, from the infiltrators.

Jacob’s Trouble

The Leviathan, the monster who has taken up residence in the seas of the Earth.

The Monster, who is on the run, when he sees what has happened in Israel.

God’s sword, whatever that weapon will be, with deft power and with surety.

God will kill the manifestation, the Monster of, the spirit of pedophilia, who has infested a once noble people, Israel.


V9 Then the angel said to me, “Write, ‘[d]Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the [e]Lamb.’” And he said to me [further], “These are the true and exact words of God.”

V 10 Then I knelt down at his feet to worship him, but he [stopped me and] said to me, “You must not do that; I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers and sisters who have and hold the testimony of Jesus. Worship God [alone]. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy [His life and teaching are the heart of prophecy].”
[[See the humility, of Jesus]]

And then Gog and Magog have their last big black swan dive after one thousand years, at the end of the Millennial Kingdom.

I hope you comprehend the Old-Time Christians, for all of their legalism, jumped and shouted when they saw and heard the old whore of Babylon was taken down.
Kinda like when you see a clip a from an old movie. You feel the thrill of victory when you a hear a familiar tune.
Rabbi Manis Friedman
Is this the fulfillment of the Bible's prophecy of WAR OF GOG AND MAGOG
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Entire Lecture Is Excellent
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Gog and Magog may be living underground. Who are they ? Fiends – Familiars
1.08.25 - + End

Your Host

End ••••••

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