What's Going On With Our Kids - A Continuing Conversation, with NZ Rising

29 days ago

Hosted by NZ Rising, Penny Marie and Elisabeth Cave unpack more about what's going on in some New Zealand school's Relationship and Sexuality (RSE) classes with examples.
And we look at education from a wide sense - including the changes since the 1960's. What is the driving force behind what is happening in schools today? And are teachers aware?

Topics covered:
- The family unit, and societal changes
- Common issues parents are facing with schools
- Two examples of what is being taught in RSE in NZ schools
- Changes in education since since the 1960’s
- Education today - is it actually education?
- Identity - why is it being taught in schools?
- Discussion with those on live call

Watch our three-part Roadshow presentation:
Part 1: The Big Picture - Penny Marie
Part 2: Identity Disruption - Elisabeth Cave
Part 3: Policy vs People - Penny Marie

We urge you to look into what is being taught at your children's schools.  Don’t rely on the government or education system to have your child’s best interests as their priority. YOU are the ones who must put your children first.  Don't hesitate to reach out for support in doing so https://letkidsbekids.nz/contact/

For more information:
Let Kids Be Kids https://letkidsbekids.nz
NZ Rising: https://nzrising.co.nz

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