The Haitian Propaganda Assassination Trap

5 months ago

Apparently the CIA media would rather politicize rather than investigate the horrible truth in Springfield, Ohio, instead weaponizing a turbo charged propaganda fueled another attempt on former President Trump's life. Springfield Haitian representatives painted a different picture. Unfortunately for them, there are those painting pictures of their own. So why all of a sudden is it a stretch to say they are eating cats? Because the awful truth is a study in non assimilation.But the evidence is stacking up and Kamala's hubris and Zombie President Biden's mumbling can't hide the outrage. These psychotic globalist fools have not only imported a third world into the heart of America under the United Nations replacement migration Agenda fueled by the billion dollar honeypot of Baptist and Catholic charities. They have done it with zero explanation or warning and at the behest of totalitarian global governance.

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Jon Bowne - Bowne Report - InfoWars -

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