What did Jesus say about love in the bible

4 months ago

What did jesus say about love in the bible ?
What does the holy bible say about love ?
Does the bible teach that we need to love others ?

What did jesus say about love in the bible ? The world thinks that you can pick and chose who you want to love and not love . The bible says , you have no right to chose who you want to love or hate . You are commanded by God to love everybody . Even people you do not have much affinity with, the bible gives you the command to love them too . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

What does the holy bible say about love ? The commandments love your neighbour as yourself . Says you have no right to make a cast and chose some push away other people . You need by Gods grace to love everybody, to accept everybody . Even those who are totally different from you .

Does the bible teach that we need to love others ? Jesus loves everybody, Jesus does not love a certain group and rejects anothe rgroup . This is not havig the mind of Jesus . This is the Satanic mind to love only those who ressemble you . Earth last day bible channel share our videos with your friends

What did jesus say about love in the bible ? Love is loving even your enemies It does not mean that you have to talk to people who do not listen . If someone does not listne then you do not have to soemone who would waste your time . You do not have to waste your time on someone who does not believe the truth and keeps rejecting the truth of the bible . At one point you can move on .

What does the holy bible say about love ? There is time for debating and efending the truth this is a time to put God first . But the bible says we need to love everybody . Does the bible teach that we need to love others ? We need to love our enemies it doe snot mean that we let enemies win and trample you . But most people do not love everybody . Most people only love those who follow the world . This is a sin , this is having the mind of Satan . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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