When will the sealing of the saints happen in the bible ?

5 months ago

When will the sealing of the saints happen in the bible ?
What is the sealing of the saints in the bible ?
What is the sealing of God in the book of revelation ?

When will the sealing of the saints happen in the bible ? Someone is sealed or settled in the truth by God . The sealing happens when all people on earth will have made a descision for or against the truth .

A descision seals a person for God or against God . Note many christians will be sealed against God . Most churches after the mark of the beast is passed will be sealed for Satan . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

What is the sealing of the saints in the bible ? In fact revelation 18 tells us that churches will become the house of evil spirits at tha ttime . Yet people will continue to go to church thinking God is still with them . Because people go by feelings and not faith . Faith is not feelings , you can feel God is with you but it could be an evil spirit playing with your senses .

What is the sealing of God in the book of revelation ? When Satan appears again most people on earth will think he is Jesus . People go by apparence and not fact and truth . People judge too fast something end end up believing lies and doctrines of devils . When will the sealing of the saints happen in the bible ? God will seal his people when al the world will have heard the truth and made a descision for or against the truth .

What is the sealing of the saints in the bible ? Unless we know God cannot judge us . By how we believe something God judges us as all honest people will accept the truth and all dishonest people will reject the truth . Rejecting the truth tell God , this person is dishonest . This is all God needs .

What is the sealing of God in the book of revelation ? At the flood when people rejected Noah s message , this is all God needed to judge them worthy of the flood . Rejecting of the truth is unbelief . Only someone who is dishonest will reject the truth . Unless the truth has not been presented as to bring conviction to the heart Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

This is a very important question but this is related to the judgment and the 2300 day message of daniel 8 14 . only when Jesus will have finished the judgment then will the saints be sealed as we cannot be sealed for heaven unless Jesus has decided the rewards of the person to be sealed. when will the sealing of the saints happen bible verse? The sealing of the saints will be when the person will have removed all defects of character . This is the sanctification process that God works in us the which we cannot execute ourselves . when will the sealing of the saints happen bible verse? When Jeuss finished the judgment time then all peple destini will be decide dfor eternlity . Some will be for eternal life some will be for eternal destruction . when will the sealing of the saints happen bible verse? This is the time now in thistime to cleanse ourselve sfrom pride selfishness unloving unkind characters To be honest and true . when will the sealing of the saints happen bible verse? What would keep you from accepting Jesus in your heart now ? Repeat after me Father God please forgive my sins help me spend time with you everyday Heal and bless me please in the name of Jesus amen

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