1 and 2Peter Epistle audio

3 months ago

1 Peter epistle audio New testament King James version
Audio new testament book of 1 Peter King James version
King James version 1 Peter audio New testament

1 Peter epistle audio New testament King James version Peter took time to be transformed , this is why Jesus is parient and does not throw us away like garbage . He wants us to know see the defects of our characters and the willingness to remove them .

If we refise to see that pride, selfishness, to be rude and unkind are sins . Then there is no way those things will enter heaven . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

In audio new testament book of 1 Peter King James version we learn that God will not transform our characters when He returns . Jesus will only transform our bodies to receive celestial bodies . Our vile bodies will be transformed to receive celestial bodies . But our characters it is to us now to see what is wrong with us . In King James version 1 Peter audio New testament

We learn that God is the only one who makes the transformation . But if we do not want to be transformed , if we do not want to see the defects of our characters, then there is no hope for us . 1 Peter epistle audio New testament King James version The story of earth is human beings who are fallen with many defects and sins Need to be cleansed to go to heaven .

Audio new testament book of 1 Peter King James version Unless this cleansing takes place we will never enter heaven . In King James version 1 Peter audio New testament we learn that many shall tell Jesus Lord Lord and He will tell them I never knew you Depart from Me.

Why would Jesus tell many christians who went ot church al their lives I never knew you ? Because they sound like Satan claiming ot be christians Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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