Judge not and you shall not be judged

4 months ago

Can we judge by apparence in the bible ?
Does the bible teach we can judge others ?
Is it ok to judge others according to the bible ?

Can we judge by apparence in the bible ? The bible says that men judges by what they see outside God looks at the heart .This means that the result of these 2 judgments are totally opposite . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

When they were looking for a king in Israel the father of David sent all his son's except David .But God said this is the one I want .from a human point of view he would he the last person men would.chooae.

Does the bible teach we can judge others ? This means that often people chose people to lead them from the appaprence only . Is it ok to judge others according to the bible ? Even as we know that God puts leaders that the people deserve

Can we judge by apparence in the bible ? If we judge someone by their clothes then we will make mistake in judgment . To judge correctly we need to have all the information to come to a correct outcome

Does the bible teach we can judge others ? This is why many people will not enter heaven as they judge. by what people are doing and they say bible is not true because of what christians do . This is judging by apparence.

Is it ok to judge others according to the bible ? In Noah s times people judged by what the majority was doing . They thought if the leaders of the world think Noah flood is false then they did not believe the flood was real

They forget that God is very original and works in unusual ways . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Can we judge by apparence or should we know facts and details before judging something? We find out that if we pass wrong judgment we are seens as liars as we are all responsible to know something before judging . judging by appearance in the bible video

For example pharisee judged Jesus as a poor men and a nobody . They did not think Jesus was anything Why? Because they judged by apparence . They looked at Jesus clothing and humility and unassuming behaviour and thought Jesus to be non important . judging by appearance in the bible video

They will be destroyed forever because of their judgment by apparence . They did not know the truth and they did not judge correctly . Often this is done because someone is too quick to judge without taking the time ti reflect and know what is going on . judging by appearance in the bible video Such a person does not take the time to know the facts and trusts in their instinct so much that they constantly pass wrong judgment . judging by appearance in the bible video

Will you be honest to seek the truth and be like the Bereans to examine the scripture everyday to know if those things are so ? Or will yo be quick to judge not caring to know if you believe a lie and if you are doing a vain practice that God is not applauding you for? judging by appearance in the bible video

Take the time my friend to know something someone before judging them as you might spread a lot of evil and strife on earth . judging by appearance in the bible video Why not ask Jesus in your heart now? Jesus loves you Jesus is your best friend . Repeat after me

Father God please forgive me come into my heart, please help me to walk with you give me your righteousness please In the name of Jesus amen

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# judgingbyappearanceinthebiblevideo
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