What does it mean neither hot nor cold in the book of revelation ?

2 months ago

Neither hot or cold revelation meaning
What does it mean neither hot or cold in the bible ?
Who is neither hot or cold in the book of revelation ?

Neither hot or cold revelation meaning What is it to be not hot and not cold . Cold means one has no desire for God no inclination for heaven or seeking the truth . Hot means that one is close to God and has received righteousness by faith and is a friend of God .

What does it mean neither hot or cold in the bible ? Most people are lukewarm on earth . They are not cold against God , they are not not seeking God and loving God and living as Enoch was living , walking with God . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Who is neither hot or cold in the book of revelation ? In the book of revelation we find that the last of the seven churches is lukewarm Neither cold or hot . God hates that and God would rather have people hot close to him or against Him . As there would be more chance for a God hter to come to him than a lukewarm christian who already knows the bible

Knows the love of God , knows the end time truth and does nothing for God . And is not a friend of God . Neither hot or cold revelation meaning This class does not believe in Gods messages like the spirit of prophecy and Ellen g White books the last prophet . They think they are good when they are all evil . They ar esleepy christiand who do little for others .

What does it mean neither hot or cold in the bible ? They do not seem to realize that there is a world to be saved . They do not realize that people are dying everyday going to perdition . They do not care that these people will never enter heaven . And that they would have entered heaven if one would have told them that Jesus loves them . Who is neither hot or cold in the book of revelation ? But they are so careless, selfishn self centered and uncarong for others that only their little person matters .

Neither hot or cold revelation meaning Those people mock God as they are double minded neither on one side or the other . They stand in the way of other people helping and rushing to sace the bleeding and wounded. They cumber the ground as a tree take sspace in a garden that could be taken by another tree who would bear fruits .

What does it mean neither hot or cold in the bible ? The last church of God is the seventh day adventist church . It is called Laodicea the 7 th church . It is neigher cold or hot But it has the last message for planet earth . The most importnt message given to human beings since creation . Who is neither hot or cold in the book of revelation ? Those who reject this message will receive the seal of God those who accept will receive the seal of God . On which side do you stand ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Does following many bible rules make you someone that is hot for Jesus? No
to be hot is to belike Jesus nobody proud selfish arrogant unloving is hot for Jesus even if they seem to be more serious in following details neither hot nor cold revelation meaning

These following verses is not to say that we need to disregard the authority of the general conference but read on neither hot nor cold revelation meaning
The General Conference is no longer the voice of God
No longer the voice of God
“It has been some years since I have considered the General Conference as the voice of God.” —Manuscript Releases 17, p. 216, 1898; Last Day Events, p. 50.3 neither hot nor cold revelation meaning

“That these men should stand in a sacred place, to be as the voice of God to the people, as we once believed the General Conference to be—THAT IS PAST.” - The General Conference Bulletin, April 3, 1901, p. 25; Last Day Events, p. 50. neither hot nor cold revelation meaning

General Conference is corrupt

“I do not find rest in spirit. Scene after scene is presented in symbols before me, and I find no rest until I begin to write out the matter. I have not slept since two o’clock. I think we will institute at least once each day a season of prayer for the Lord to set things in order at the center of the work.
Matters there are being shaped so that every other institution is following in the same course. And the General Conference is itself becoming corrupted with wrong sentiments and principles. In the working up of plans the same principles are manifest that have controlled matters at Battle Creek for quite a length of time.” –Letter 55, September 19, 1895, par. neither hot nor cold revelation meaning

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