Do legalist enjoy life according to the bible ?

3 months ago

Do legalists enjoy ife according to the bible ?
Why are legalists wasting this life and will also miss the life to come ?
Can legalists lose this life on earth and lose heaven also ?

Do legalists enjoy ife according to the bible ? Yes this is the trend i have seen since a few years. People become more and more legalistic not understanding that it is better for them to be cold than claim to be good when they are all evil . People try to enforce their own morality, but this is men made and it is worth nothing for God . Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends

I do not understand why by putting more rules and restrictions people think they become more moral . When in fact they become more pharisee and more evil . Why are legalists wasting this life and will also miss the life to come ? There is nobody more evil than someone who thinks they are good and they follow human things thinking they are holy . The sad thing is that most of these people will lose earth as they restrain themselves pleasures thinking they are good doing so .

Can legalists lose this life on earth and lose heaven also ? But they are also loosing heaven . As they remain proud, selfish, unloving, unkind, dishonest . All these things are really the things that will shut heaven to someone . Do legalists enjoy life according to the bible ? How sad someone lives all their lives restraining pleasure to their soul . And when God appears he will them them , you cannot enter heaven also .

Why are legalists wasting this life and will also miss the life to come ? They lose this life and the life to come . They lose everything . It would have been better for that person to enjoy life fully here and then if God refuses entrance to heaven then they would have gained pleasure in this life . This was the case of the pharisees they were very legalistic and denying themselves many things at the same time being very evil, rude unkind proud and selfish . Can legalists lose this life on earth and lose heaven also ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Why are you not enjoying yourself?
Why are you not spending time to be happy we see that everywhere The Bible says that most people will soon die and be destroyed Jesus says as it was in times of Noah so shall it be when the son of Men comes do legalist enjoy life according to the bible

at that time most people were destroyed Only a few people were saved The same thing will soon happen most people will soon be destroyed Why are you not enjoying yourself It seems like most people are trying to be morals yet being wicked do legalist enjoy life according to the bible

not knowing that good and bad is If you are going to die soon would it not be better to enjoy life rather than refrain yourself to be destroyed forever ? do legalist enjoy life according to the bible

God wants you to be happy God asks only to love Him and love others these are the sins
As you know i do not believe that sex outside mariage is a sin do legalist enjoy life according to the bible It could be enjoyable for someone to follow rules and feel good about those legalistic rules to be obeyed as they could feel a sense of being good .

The which the bible says is a lie as nobody is good and following rules never makes someone holy . We need to keep the tne commandments but only God has righteousness

do legalist enjoy life according to the bible No because only when we realize that God oonly has righteousness and we are fallen beings our mouths are open sepulchres and we are desperatly wicked then we have hope do legalist enjoy life according to the bible We then have hope to realize that we need to find the solution only in Jesus
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