Garland Literally Trembles During Sen. Hawley's Explosive Rant...DOJ's Disgusting Actions EXPOSED!!

4 months ago

Garland Literally Trembles During Sen. Hawley's Explosive Rant...DOJ's Disgusting Actions EXPOSED!!

And Merrick Garland is.....JEWISH....the Bolsheviks were in the business of genociding CHRISTIANS, and in 2020 these scumbag Ashkenazi Khazarian Jew"ISH scumbags embarked on a worldwide onslaught in a bid to install worldwide communism, THIS is why Genocide and Famine/Control of Food follows. Demonic pieces of shit, they are all satanic bloodlines to the Pharisees, the bloodline of the Canaanites.

We are and have been in a war between the bloodlines of Christ and Satan for many years, the war started the minute Trump was inaugurated on 20 Jan 2017. THIS is why the deep-state are intent of killing him because Trump scared the life out of the deep-state when he revealed his plans, but the mockingbird media brainwashed the masses to hate him, whilst coercing the same gullible fools to take the covid shot. For the love of God, PLEASE WAKE UP!!!

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