Where to start reading the bible for the first time?

5 months ago

Where to start reading the bible for the first time ?
How should i start reading the bible for the first time ?
Which method should i use to start reading the bible for the first time ?

Where to start reading the bible for the first time ? Yes prayer is mandatory as if you do not pray, the words which are spiritual and come from God cannot be understood unless God helps you understand his words . Spiritual things are spiritually discerned . Also you need to be honest as only honest people can understand the bible and accept the truth .

Earth last day bible channel pass our videos to your friends read our blog How should i start reading the bible for the first time ? We shall all be judged by the bible and the Word of God . Thes are the words of God He loves you and talks to you through the bible . The love of God is above all the love ytou have experienced before . No love can compare to Gods love . He will always love you

Which method should i use to start reading the bible for the first time ? You can never do anything that will make God to not love you . The ove of God for you is very deep and sincere . Read the bible with the context Study all the words of the same topic . See what the Greek and Hebrew is saying as sometimes the words are not well translated .

Where to start reading the bible for the first time ? If you take the topic of hell take a concordance and see what all the verses about hel are saying to see what the bible is saying . Only God can reveal to you the meaning and only if he wants to .

How should i start reading the bible for the first time ? Then context is king without the context you wil twist the bible to your own destruction . Understand that God has a way of speaking, on top of that the bible is wirtten in very old language and we need to understand how people spake back then in 1611 . Which method should i use to start reading the bible for the first time ? Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Where to start reading the bible for the first rime ? It is very important to know that there are principles to be put into place for us to correctly study the bible. Whee to start reading the bible for the first rime ? First all things are spiritual in the bible Spiritual things are only understood spiritually . As God is spiritual then we are to ask God each time before we read the bible . Where to start reading the bible for the first rime ? Unless we do that we can be confiused reading the bible and will come to wrong beliefs. We need to ask God before reading the bible but most of all we cannot take one verse out of context. This is the main reason why people arrive to false beliefs in the bible and whole churches have been built on false beliefs from one bible verse . Where to start reading the bible for the first rime ? When a topic is given or a verse we need to go from Genesis to revelation to find the meaning of that topic throughout the bible . The bible is like God sspeech and we need to hear the whole speech to find out what God is saying . Where to start reading the bible for the first rime ? Taking the bible in context is the honest way to find out what God is telling us rather than we wanting to find things in the bible that God is not teaching . If most verses in the bible say that death is a sleep then this is what the bible teaches. The so called apparent contradictions we will cover another time . The bible does not have contradicitons . But they are apparent so that we study the bible further . Where to start reading the bible for the first rime ? They all have their answer in the Greek Hebrew or the context. Hope this helped you read the bible better Whee to start reading the bible for the first rime ? Jesus really loves and cares for you Jesus thinks about you all the time . What would keep you from accepting Jesus in your heart now ? Repeat after me Father God please forgive my sins help me spend time with you everyday Heal and bless me please in the name of Jesus amen

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