Are christians supposed to judge according to the bible ?

2 months ago

Does the bible allows us to judge by apparence ?
Do we make mistakes when we judge by apparence ?
Does the bible allow us to judge by apparence ?

Does the bible allows us to judge by apparence ? the problem with judging by apparence is that we will believe lies about many things . Unless you want to believe things that are false and fill your life and belief system with lies do not judge by apparence . Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Do we make mistakes when we judge by apparence ? Why do people judge by apparence? it is because it is convenient and they do not have to take time to search out what truth is .

Does the bible allow us to judge by apparence ? because it requires some time to really find out what the truth is . people rather believe whatever and not spend time to search out the truth .

but what happens when we believe a lie ? we become a liar . Does the bible allows us to judge by apparence ? We have the time to search out the truth and as nobody forced us to believe a lie . When we believe a lie we are seen before God as liars .

Do we make mistakes when we judge by apparence ? The bible says that liars will not go to heaven . pharisees thought Jesus was not God and they were lost . People at the flood believe a lie they thought the flood would.nkt come and they were destroyed .

Does the bible allow us to judge by apparence ? no because when we do we become liars . if truth is important for you why not take time to judge correctly when judging someone or the bible or an event ?

Does the bible allows us to judge by apparence ? When pharisees saw Jesus they judged by apparence and they thought he was only a poor men . what destroyed the pharisees ? judging by apparence .

Do we make mistakes when we judge by apparence ? Because most people judge by apparence then what we are taught by society is also by apparence and often false .

health and the bible and religion and finances and education many of those things are apparence teachings . Does the bible allow us to judge by apparence ?

seek for the truth as hidden treasures . God is humble and is unassuming . Jesus is the truth . if you want to know the truth you need to seek for it as hidden treasure . Why not seek for the truth now and read the bible ? Earth last day bible channel like and subscribe

Are christians supposed to judge? The bible says judge not and you shall not be judged Yet another verse says you shall know them by their fruits . The bible says that we should not judge by this society as we know ost people judge based on this society and this society is lead by Satan Are christians supposed to judge? What is highly esteemed in this world is abomination for God the bible says .

We can know people by their fruits People who are proud selfish arrogant unloving rude violent disloyal cruel we know are lead by Satan those fruits cannot enter heaven Are christians supposed to judge? But we are not the judge and God knows the circumstances and the motives We cannot judge others especially as most people do without knowing the person

Plus most people judge bysociety s standards which is opposite from what the bible teaches. Are christians supposed to judge? No God is the judge but we can know people by them ressembling Jesus or not Read this article

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