Why evolution cannot be true according to the bible ?

4 months ago

Can random organisation and evolution be true?
Why evolution cannot be true according to the bible ?
Why the evolution theory cannot be true ?

Can random organisation and evolution be true? One reaosn why evolution canot be true is that nothing can become complex from nothing . Nothing cannot make something . Evolutionists believe that it comes from natural selection and mutations . Can these proceses think, plan , feel ? No then they cannot create anything . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

Why evolution cannot be true according to the bible ? It is like saying a shoe can create a castle . For something to exist one needs to plan and have reasoning powers to make a car a plane a house . A house cannot appear form nowhere for no reason from nothing .

Why the evolution theory cannot be true ? Because things that exist need to be planned . When someone says it is slow, then it is not science as milllions of years is not observation . Science is what we can test prove demonstrate . Even given millionsof years can a piece of wood make a castle ? Can a puiece of metal become a Ferrari ? No Earth last day pass our channel to your friends

Can random organisation and evolution be true? Because it requires planning and reasoning powers to say from this we will build this . But natural selevtion never creates anything , it only works with what already exists . Then why would natural selection make something else that already exists ?

Things adapt and become stronger because God knew that we would need to adapt . But why would natural selection make from a fish turn it into a cow. There is no reason for that . Why evolution cannot be true according to the bible ? This is a fairy tale for adults. It is not science
Why the evolution theory cannot be true ? Evolution is a religion mixed with science . But it is not science . Earth last day bible channel like and suscribe

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