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Sneako and Daniel Haqiqatjou Discuss Islam, Race, Upcoming Debate with Keith Woods


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  • W sneako

  • This video is removed from youtube btw

  • Sneako was cooked at 1:25:58 by Daniel 🤣🤣🤣 Allah bless you both brothers ⭐

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  • Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

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  • The problem lays in the white western christian european mythology. It is a defective degenerated ideology an evil guidance and way of life because their members are themselves degenerated. They see themselves as "God-Like" or even evilly as the successors of "God" after the death of "God" on the cross. Therefore everything in this world and beyond should be under their rule, domination and will. The majority of Jews joined that ideology after 1945 but the evil Zionist have been part of this mythology many years before. For all other people there is only one choice either becoming subjugated slaves who work for these evil people or being erased from face of the earth.

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  • @daniel try and watch the documentary Europa the last battle and you said it right. It’s the jews and zionists that are trying to do a white genocide while they keep their race pure as they consider themselves so called gods chosen people who loves to kill babies

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  • this word of "White" "Black" will be suppressed from dictionaries sooner or later . in islam there is no such a thing as "white" or "black" neither in skin or in blood . the word "white" to mean a skin is not correct , you want to refer to light skinned humans say "Light skinned" . you want to refer to European race say "Europeans" say "American Europeans" . but not *WHITE* . what's white if you are child or suffering from autism is this very "comment background" . Black follows the same , there is no such thing as black or niggro . there are dark skinned humans. that's it . huh . so light skinned is not necessarily by the skin . so if we imagine , just an imagination !!! . a dude , let's say 100% caucasian scottish , and a 100% caucasian blue eyed lady , had by a 1/10000000000 chance a Black kid . will you consider this kid Black or White ? such a Devil words . "White" while he is not truly white, even if you say , ah no , it's just a word ! no it's a devil word

  • Both of these dirty Sunnis are liars, even a pleb like Keith Woods is better than them