TKP - Roy Cohn's Favor Bank | One Nation Under Blackmail Vol. 1, Ch. 4

5 months ago

Explore the complex life of Roy Cohn, as we delve into the notorious lawyer's connections to political elites, intelligence agencies, organized crime, and banking institutions. This episode provides a gripping look into the world of power, corruption, and scandal that surrounded this enigmatic figure who left a significant mark on American history.

In this episode, we will explore Cohn's rise to prominence and influence in politics, his association with powerful figures such as the Kennedys, and the Justice Department's pursuit of him. We will also delve into the United Dye case and Cohn's controversial involvement, as well as the numerous criminal cases brought against him and their impact on his legacy. This thought-provoking expose is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the complex political establishment ruling over America and the web of power that gave rise to Jeffrey Epstein.

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