The Man Who Nearly Destroyed Pro Wrestling

4 months ago

Meet Rob Feinstein. If you’re a newer fan of pro wrestling or you aren’t very tapped into wrestling outside of the mainstream, that name might mean next to nothing to you. For those who don’t already know, Feinstein was the founder of Ring Of Honor back in 2002, currently runs RF Video which was the leading distributor of wrestler shoot interviews and was once a leader in distribution of DVDs and tapes throughout independent wrestling, and he is perhaps most notable now for trying to meet up with a 14 year old in 2004 while he was 30 years old. Feinstein's reckless and disgusting behavior that includes him using his status within the industry to try and persuade minors nearly destroyed Ring Of Honor as well as professional wrestling as we know it today, and that is what we will be discussing in today’s video.


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