Baby Boy Laughs At His Dad Kissing A Diaper

6 years ago

This video is just too funny for words! I challenge you not to laugh when you watch it! We can all agree that not many things are as adorable as a baby’s laughter! And this video is such a perfect example of that! So adorable! As the clip begins, you can see a baby boy and his dad having so much fun together. The baby boy is laughing in the most adorable way ever! And what’s the reason for his laughter, you may wonder? Well, his dad is kissing a diaper in front of him and that’s giving him all the giggles! LOL! How weird is that? You can tell that this dad would go as far kissing a diaper just to make his precious son laugh! And as far as this baby boy is concerned, there’s not a thing more thrilling than kissing a diaper! LOL! Absolutely hilarious if you ask me!

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