5 months ago

Who is Amalek?

We are defined by our enemies…

Unless you serve organised Jewry & their agenda of world domination, you are AMALEK

If you seek to do any of the following, YOU ARE AMALEK:

- Define “Semitism” as the corrosive, subversive and immoral pattern of behaviour that it is

- Distinguish between “racism” and “anti-Semitism” (as the Jews are not a race, we are not “racist”)

- End Jewry’s ability to use Jewish Crypsis to hide their behaviour behind the mask of being “White”

- End Jewry’s stranglehold over European societies and our cultures through their media monopoly

- End Jewry’s ability to parasitise our economies with usury and debt-based fractional reserve banking

- Spread awareness that Israel and diaspora Jews organised and executed the 9/11 false-flag attacks

- Reject Jewish globalism, their promotion of racial miscegenation and their end goal of one world government

- Expose the big lie of the Jewish “Holocaust” and end their eternal victim narrative


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