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His Glory TV Take FiVe - General Thomas McInerney & General Paul Vallely joins His Glory - Captions
In the monthly "Take Five" segment, General Vallely and General McInerney discuss various critical issues facing America. They talk about the challenges in America, including external and internal threats, such as potential attacks, the border crisis, and the upcoming elections. They express concerns about the current leadership and the need for justice to prevail. They also discuss the need for a spiritual awakening and a return to truth, integrity, and honesty in the country.
During the conversation, they touch on the recent Supreme Court rulings, including the Trump immunity case and its implications for the J6 cases. They also discuss the Heritage 2025 plan, which aims to build a plan for President Trump to revitalize the country if he becomes president again. Additionally, they talk about the upcoming release of their new book, "The Dismantling of America," and the formation of the MacArthur Society to revitalize West Point's values.
As the conversation comes to a close, both generals emphasize the importance of standing up for America and taking action to protect the country. They encourage people to volunteer at polling stations, be prepared for potential threats, and support organizations that work towards the betterment of the nation. They also stress the significance of the Fourth of July as the founding of the nation and the need for people to stand up for America's values and principles.
The generals express their gratitude for the support and urge everyone to continue standing up for the country and taking action to bring about positive change. They emphasize the importance of faith, prayer, and action in the face of current challenges and express hope for a revival of the nation.
General Thomas McInerney & General Paul Vallely joins His Glory: Take FiVe
✝️ Another Awesome Message from His Glory Ministry! The original video was posted on 07-04-2024, and may be watched here: 👉
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welcome today's take five this is our monthly get together with America's General General Vallely and hopefully General McInerney and General McInerney might have the day mixed up but we're hoping he'll join us as well before we kick off with General Vallely and General McInerney we have a special flash sale I want to introduce JD Rutger to show the His Glory family what this offer is for fourth of July only so again 4th of July to everyone in His Glory Nation and God bless the United States of America. JD. God bless America. Absolutely. Thanks for having me on Pastor. Absolutely. So you got a blockbuster flash sale. We do. One time, one time only. It's it's kind of a spur of the moment thing but we figure for today being Independence Day that we would celebrate and help other people celebrate with long-term storage beef. They go to His Glory Beef. com. They use promo code Freedom thirty-five. All one word. Freedom 35 at His Glory Beef. com. And they get 35% off. And anybody who's been watching your show. Anybody who's been following us they know that this is unprecedented. We don't do this type of discount. But I thought I woke up and I thought you know what? I need to call Pastor Dave and I need to to to really help celebrate. I I'm in a good mood. America's looking great. So so let's do this. 35% off just for today. Midnight's tomorrow, it's over. And it's made in the great state of Texas where I'm at. Also, do you want to just in quickly maybe a sneak preview of something maybe to come? Oh, you see this is supposed to be secret and he's he's bust he's he's calling me out here. Yes, we are you know obviously His Glory Beef. com is the place to to go because we sell beef beef and only beef but apparently , that's changing and it looks as if we are going to be adding by very popular demand. We will be adding chicken to the mix here very soon which is funny. Now that you mention it, that's the reason why we're having this sale. We gotta clear out as much beef as we can to make room for the chicken that is coming. I suspect we will be able to launch this in August. So, about a month from now, we're we're going to have to have His Glory Beef and His Glory Chicken. com. All in one place. Uh absolutely. Again, in closing JD, will you give the His Glory family the offer? Unprecedented. Unprecedented. Absolutely. It is. His Glory Beef. com for July 4th and July 4th only. Take advantage with promo code Freedom 3-five all one word freedom 35 you'll get 35% off today and today only and I assure you this isn't something that's ever probably ever going to happen again we again we just feel like super blessed and honored to be in this great great nation we want to celebrate it as best we can and we want to help you do the same thing 25 years shelf life beef you just can't beat it 35% off with Freedom 35 at His Glory Beef. com JD thank you so much and happy 4th of July God Bless you, sir. God bless you. Alright, now time to bring in General Valley. Happy 4th of July, General. Well, happy happy Fourth of July Independence Day to you Pastor Dave. It's always a pleasure to be with you and especially this year when we have so many challenges in America. We do have so many challenges. Um do you want to what do you want to unpack first? Do you want to give your two cents on what you thought of the debate and then maybe talk about what we were talking about before we went online about the the the concerns. What's next? The false flag and our our borders and everything that they'll try to do to try to get us distracted. Well that's a great start off point because there's so many things involved in the next four months external internal threats to America and when we look at the debate last week I mean it's obvious as one doctor said as I understood there's six stages to dementia and this doctor said with his performances over the last almost my goodness it's six eight months almost a year now where we see his his medal his cognitive ability to complete a sentence and wide open eyes and the way he walks that doctors said he's probably in the fourth or fifth stage dementia right now but you know Joe Biden she keeps wanting to promote him and put him in there. It looks like the White House staff wants him to step down. Uh a lot of the media jumped on board now that they've witnessed his performance at that debate and they're recommending that he stepped down. They're floating the 25th amendment provision which I think requires two thirds of the cabinet along with the Vice President to vote that he should step down to basically his health. Um I'll put it that way. But it puts us in a very precarious position day because she and China sees this happening. The cartels see it. Uh Russia has threatened to hit the United States at some time in the next four months because we supported those missile attacks last week going into Russia and the Crimea area. So Putin is set to do something. We don't know what but certainly our intelligence agencies and the FBI have been warning of attacks within America. So there there you go. I mean we we've we've got a tough 4 months here. And then I think the Democrats are going to cheat to everything they can be on a false flag a situation where they declare martial law to put the election. Uh you can't trust them. They they will try everything to make sure Trump doesn't take over as the as our new president. Yeah so what is your biggest concern? Is it the border all these people that we left in let in to be activated to some sort of terrorist event because you know everybody that I've been talking to and the Intel sources said this day is coming. It's here. Uh they're going to have to come up with some kind of nine eleven type event to try to maybe not even have an election. We see after that debate that even the the Democratic Party and the fake news are are split and they're divided and they unequivocally want him out of there. Now they're in a predicament. Well there's no more important time in America in our history than this year I mean our forefathers and we look back at the the Civil War, the revolutionary war, and the warring that took place in America but now with these external threats and there's a percentage of all of those I don't know how many have come across the border. I'm not sure DHS knows. Let's just say 10 or 15 million. And a portion of that of course are criminals that have come have killed our young girls and raped them. Uh there's another percentage that are tied to the drug cartel. Uh they're tied and gone into our cities at New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, etcetera and a percentage of those we know they were agents that have been planted here to conduct attacks within America and we know our grid system is one of those targets also our water and also our military bases and so if those agents are there and then we have good information that a lot of the weapon systems have been put in containers and shipped into our ports and then they're delivered by truck to a pre designated location that these agents then can access and use and we know all of those containers have not been inspected. Yeah. And that's that's that's the biggest threat to me. Yeah, it's Or second or the or right up to the Democrats getting elected again. Yes it's it's concerning. Uh I have somebody that gave me some information a couple week about a month ago that's is friends with you as well. And she was saying that there's at least ten situations that they're concerned about that each one of them are would be ten times worse than a nine eleven. And and one of them has to do with what you're talking about into cargo into cargos. The other is that she said to watch trains, watch for airports, and bridges. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. Transportation, utilities, energy, all of those things that can be attacked. It can shut down America. Look when you have a blackout day but that how that affects you. You take the Southwest Cadron of America, the eight states that are linked with this system of energy. Uh you take one of these power plants down or several of em that blanks out maybe six or eight states at a time and then once we down electrically then what do we do? Chaos. Total chaos. And that's what it's about creating chaos in America. Of course that's what the Democrats are doing. Creating a lot of chaos. So there you go. Your your two biggest threats to me. So let's let's go back to that chaos. Uh what are your thoughts? How is this planned? Are they planning this to get rid of Joe Biden or because it doesn't seem like you could be that against each other. House against itself shall fall as the Bible says. They are definitely going after each other like I've never seen. Well whether Biden's is in there after the convention or not they have the plans to dismantle America and that's what my new book is about which will be out at the end of the month. The dismantling of America and how it's going to be done and by whom. And we bring in also the individuals in our government that have conducted treason by aiding and embedding the enemies out there. The cartels, Iran and so on. So the dismantling is part of our trilogy. The first one was clearly invisible treason in America. The second was was beyond treason and then this third in the is called The Dismantling of America. Yeah I have two of your books right here. America's End Game and Invisible Treason so people can get those absolutely incredible reads. Speaking of treason you know General you General and General McInerney for the last several years that we've been together have openly said what happened in 2020 was treason. Um yesterday I think it was yesterday that President Trump retruth something to do with Liz Cheney committing treason. What are your thoughts on that? Uh well I see General McInerney's on. Do you want to take that Tom? Hi General. 2020 election. Well I I think we've got to look at it seriously because of what she has done and how she just made a botch out of the conference that she chaired. The hearings and they they've destroyed information. Uh we've said this before Pastor Dave. Yeah we have. Uh President Trump mentioned that he has a videotape and I have it too. I think I know I said it to General Vallely. Right. That the Speaker Nancy Pelosi saying that she screwed up. Yeah. That day. Her daughter put that out and that what troubles me is why the Republican led house has not exposed all that. Tucker Carlson was fired fired because he was starting to expose it. He exposed the shaman and he was starting to go through the whole list and show the FBI informants and how they set it up etcetera and that's when they fired him. Fox fired Tucker because he was going to expose that the Democrats set up the insurrection sixth January and all those people that have gone to jail have it has been crooked judges that have done it. We've got a major problem and of course it was exposed when we saw what they did to President Trump and so that's why I believe she should be tried for treason because she is trying to tell America which we put in our book Beyond Treason and Invisible Treason that the which was often the 2020 election was stolen through a combination of mail-in ballots 2, 000 Mules the the documentary as well as the Chinese using our CIA system that James Baker we believe we believe because that information was handed over to him by Dennis Montgomery and So and I'm leading into another story but it it both treasonous because the Hammer scorecard was used by Chinese on three November two thousand twenty. And which we prove in our book invisible treason and beyond treason that in fact that was treasonous. That was done by combination of Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden. Both of them tried for treason. And they ought to go to court and it's provable. We've got the evidence. We put the direct number of votes that were stolen and switched from Trump to Biden. Uh it's not gaining much traction. But it may it may nimble. But that's my answer. Yes. She should be tried for treason. Well I don't know if I told go ahead General's since the last time Iran this Project Hammer you're the first one I ever heard about Project Hammer Hammer General and just recently I was given a video evidence to show that hammer the servers that they're using for Project Hammer they've found them and they're being exposed as we speak so we hope that gets to the light of day Yeah. Dave the other thing is it came out last week. Uh it's been hiding in the closet somewhat in some way is Gina Haskell. Yes. The head of the CIA under Trump she didn't like Trump at all. She was working against him the whole time within the CIA and then the CIA working with the FBI okay to ensure that the that Biden would win the so that came out last week so there there was individuals within the FBICI who were conspiring to make sure they took Trump down and they succeeded. That was just out this week. Yeah. And and she started that had to do with the 51 intelligence that swore that Hunter Biden Biden's laptop was Russian disinformation but backspace her fall that which I know for my years two and a half years as the in London and working with GCHQ that's their equivalent of Fort Meade Government Communications Headquarters when she was the station chief in London she enabled that dossier to be passed forward back to to Brennan and then Brennan forwarded to Department of Justice and of course that's how they did that so Gina Haspel's got a number of things that she is needs to be tried for and so so we have a it's all coming out Pastor Dave what's going on and the important thing about the 2020 election in it when people say don't look in the rear view mirror they're going to do the same thing this November on the fifth. So what we need to do is discover them when they're doing it and then We have the goods on them. Yeah the other the other thing Gerald McInerney is that if you listen to some of these the left-wing media and David I'm sure you've seen it what they're trying to do now is to basically ask the question will you accept the election in 20 twenty-four. Will you accept it? And that's they've asked Trump that I don't know how many times. And sure if it's all clean and pure and honest sure you can accept the election. But if it's not you have to challenge it. That's our duty and America because we know what these crooks and devious people will do to turn the elections the votes these mail-in ballots signed by 20 or 30, 000 people that may be sung the border crossers and that's why voter integrity at the county level is so critical to be monitored to the ends degree in this election coming up. And another thing on that there's no way they can do on the cyber. General Valley is talking about the mail-in ballots. And something came out a week ago by Omega for America that they analyzed and they they saw all the ballots, the mail-in ballots that came from Home Depot, from coffee shops, from CVS. In other words, noone was living or abandoned buildings and and that was analyze and this great group Omega-4 America has discovered that and so that plus there is no way Pastor Dave and General Vallely and I will will swear to this that China could have done this cyber using hammer and scorecard without us seeing it okay I I can assure you as being the Vice Commander in chief of the largest theater nuclear forces the history of mankind I can tell you that we would have that they must have seen that and the reason that's important General Millie what was General Millie doing and the NSA and Cyber Command how could they miss that cyber work that was done in the six battleground states Hey but John McInerney you know another point that I found out when I gave a talk last month. We had a book signing and one of the individuals works as a overseer I should say. I'm not sure what his title is of the local elections where I live. But a lot of people don't know the difference between absentee ballots and mail ballots. Mail in ballots can be printed up at the local printing company with 20, 000 and they can be signed by anybody shipped in. I do absentee ballots. I've done them for years but I'm I'm on the rolls there when they send me the absentee ballot. I fill it out. I have to sign it again and send it back and they can validate that. But don't you think Tom? A lot of people don't know the difference between absentee and mail in ballots. Absolutely. I just filled out this morning. My wife's absentee ballot. There's a chain of custody. It's what General Pastor Dave a chain of custody on absentee ballots. There is no chain of custody on the mail-in ballots. That's right. They should be illegal. And and we ought to be demanding it because there's no emergency yet. Although there will be another pandemic. Yeah. Pastor Dave. They're using the same game plan and it's and their new game plan of course was and we're going to see it next week is they're going to try put President Trump in jail. You wait and see. Despite what came out yesterday from the Supreme Court in Skodas and official business that he has immunity, they're going to try to do it. And And particularly after what happened to that doofus Biden a week ago. You know five days ago actually on the debate. I mean he couldn't even he first of all he lied and said that that no Americans were killed under his watch. Yeah. What you think happened in Afghanistan and Syria and how many people have been killed under his watch. Of course you got the picture of him looking at his watch up at Dover when the bodies came back. And they had the and and and then when he's he he's asked about birth control he starts talking about Larkin and how she was killed and mixing the two and then he didn't talk about the the young ladies that were murdered the mother with five children the gal that was 12 year old that was thrown off a bridge after being raped for hour. Uh he doesn't talk at all about this. He still hasn't called their parents. President Trump just before he went on the stage talked to her parents. What a beautiful young lady she was at 12 years of age. And a magnificent future. And so we have and now they're trying to reinstall Biden and get him back in. Now I hope they get him back in because we need to run against the doofus. It makes it much more difficult to use cyber and the mail-in ballots. And hopefully the Republican National Committee will do something about the mail-in ballots and get some legal actions going against them. General Vallely and I are working on a new system because they have added to it on a system called Albert censors. We haven't mentioned this Pastor Dave because we're working on it but all 50 states have the Albert censors in them and they can see the number of votes coming in. Now, they compliment hammer and scorecard but they they go into people's personal information and they should be illegal. Guess who made the initial funding? George Soros. And then the states funded them. So the Democratic Parties in every one of the 50 states has got that in there and and the Democratic Party is has nothing to do with democracy. They are a Marxist organization. Communists as we used to call them. They are supporting foreigners. And they're led by Barack Hussein Obama and Biden. And they should both be tried for treason. We articulate it very well and beyond treason and invisible in America. The facts are there. Let's look at them. I would like to get both of your thoughts on the other information. We got so much information in the last five or six days. It's just it's a flood. Uh but Paul Ryan showing that he had access to the dossier, the Russian hoax back to two thousand sixteen. Yeah. Our super rhino. Paul Ryan. Super rhino. Republican name only. Guilty of all sorts of of shenanigans when he was the head of the Republican Party. House Speaker. Uh a real lightweight if you ever watched his debate between he and Biden. Uh Biden walked all over him. But there's a guy that went to Fox News. He's on the board of directors at Fox. My goodness. And the guy's a total lightweight but there again you know the the lack of strengthened warriors in the Republican Party and the leadership is very embarrassing and still they don't fight enough. Democrats get their way anytime they want it it seems. It's it's horrible. Paul Ryan I just how much how much did the nation have to go through that didn't need to go through if you would have stood up stood up and said something about that I mean that's just insanity he's weak he's he's a weak need individual he has no spine I mean it's easy to encourage Gerald McInerney and I to see because we've trained Warriors and we know the difference is a disgrace to his name and to the nation and why Fox when that came out why Fox of Keptman just is indicative of the senior leadership of Fox not the anchors of the General Valley and I know the senior leadership they have never talked about the 2020 election never they Brett Bear would not allow Danish De Souza to come on and talk about 2, 000 Mules and describe what went on but Fox News. Yeah. So they are complicit. They are complicit unfortunately. General Vallely and I used to work for them. And they're they're doing a lot of good work. I'll tell you Maria is absolutely dynamite. But some of the others you know let me tell you the Fox News poll is making it close. And they're doing it deliberately so that you can use cyber. Yep. You've got to have a close election. If it's a runaway election, it's very difficult and easy to count. That's right. That's right. Alright, we're going to take a quick break and we'll be back with the Generals right after this break. So, Restore is a product that does what it says it does. It was made to after your detoxing and you're getting your body to zero in and focus to restore the overall body. It's a strategic combination of ingredients that will help restore your gut but help your body reduce inflammation and function better in conjunction with its siblings, remove the bad stuff, put amazing stuff in, and let your body handle the rest 'cuz we're made to be amaze. We just haven't unlocked the potential until now. It's not protest. It's insurrection. Insurrection. Insurrection. I think that law enforcement has been weaponized. 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Alright we are back with two of America's great generals who you've seen on His Glory Network for the last few years have always told you the truth they were way ahead of it before anybody else and now that it's picking up steam and the truth is coming out generals I want to kick it to you to talk about the latest rulings by the Supreme Court Chevron the obviously the immunity case that came down on Monday and then 1512 how that affects some of President Trump's cases but more importantly the J six because I think 40% of the J sixers were charged that will be impacted by that Supreme Court ruling. Paul, why don't you lead it all with? Well, let let's talk about the immunity. Uh it's it's as I understand, I'm not a legal authority but it's a partial immunity that covers presidential actions that are taken on behalf of our government and and the White House which we put in the hands of a president and his staff but it doesn't cover anything that would be outside of that I mean if some would commit murder or be a whatever the the case may be a felony case whatever but that would be outside of the immunity but it was a good it was a good action passed by by I think it was six three vote on the Supreme Court but it's going to protect a president in office and we have to do that. I mean, if you're the executive of the country and you have to make a decision regarding whatever it may be It could be in regulations. It could be in energy. It could be in war fighting. Uh whatever the case may be. He's gotta be protected and not tried in a court for for the decision he made say that is official. Uh and so that's that's what's important there. Yeah I got another go ahead General. Mister Dave let me the key thing is What Barack Hussein Obama did by approving to pull off a copy of Hammer and scorecard and start listening to Americans on it and then using it in the election he used it in the 2012 election to win Florida. That's the last time the Democrats have won Florida. They only did it in one state then. And and he did it in a number of states in 2016, but not enough. And and and Trump just overwhelmed it. Now that's why this is very important. Because this will not give him any immunity. Barack Hussein Obama. He authorized it. Biden knew it was happening. They still know it. That's why they're still keeping him in. They know he's going to have hard time. But they're going to cheat again. It's going to be even in a more massive scale. So we've got to look at that will not excuse those two presidents. Now the nation is going to face it face a a challenge on those two presidents because there's more than enough evidence on on Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden that that they did this and they cheated. Everybody now knows that he's Biden's such a doofus. There's no way he could have won the most votes in the history of any president. 81 million and that we had such a high rate. When they go back and they compare all this, it's going to be very obvious. So that's why as as General Vallely was talking about presidential immunity. If you're doing something legal in accordance with the constitution like defending the country etcetera, that's fine. But when you go against the constitution and they are behind the the four indictments that President Trump has had. Biden is behind it and behind the curtain is Barack Hussein Obama. And this is a a what General Vallely and I would call an very orchestrated information operations campaign by the Democrats against the Republicans. They took they've got the four different area as judges that are trying it and the four different Attorney Generals that that came through it. When you look at Fannie Willis, look at her. You look at the guy in New York, you look at Jack Smith and so, once you start peeling this information back, it's going to be very obvious who led it. Now, once you've got those people and and we're we're calling them out right now. Yeah. You don't get any other network, Pastor Dave that calls him out and has the evidence on them and how only it could happen and so there's more than enough evidence we know the exact number of votes that were switched and as this evidence comes in and and just think of the mail in ballots the 2, 000 mules the FBI had the phone number of every one of those mules and they haven't talked to any of them no so it means the FBI is complicit we will go back and talk to those people. And they're going to say who funded them? Who paid them? And you know you work your way up from the bottom and right on up to where it is. Now there are thousands of people that were involved in this corruption. But who who's the master puppet? Barack Hussein Obama. Joe Biden's not smart enough to do it. I mean look how he screwed up all the things he did as Vice President with Hunter. Hunter's going to go the glamour but of course his daddy that's why talking his daddy into staying in will want to pardon him. Uh they've got this trial coming up. So these are very important issues. General Vallely. Well I was just trying to bring up Tom. How about the laundering of money? Of of Joe Biden and Hunter and Ukraine and Russia. That's outside of an official act. If you're laundering money illegally So there's another situation. There's another situation. There are a lot of nothing that Joe Biden's gotta make. In addition to we have focused on the treason. General Vallely and I have. And and and kept in the niche of it and primarily the use of cyber because we understand it and and and we have inroads on it. But the fact is this immunity will not excuse those acts that we've just discussed Pastor Dave. Now if you look at June at January 6th and what they've done there as you alluded to about 40% of the people that have been convicted have used that part of the law that has been stretched out of way and utilized and look at all the judges Pastor Dave that have exceeded to that and that have compromised and so it us we have a major problem in the judiciary in our country. And still many of those people haven't even been tried yet. Yet they've been in prison. Completely pardoned. Gerald McInerney they should all be pardoned right now. But the Supreme Court did its job. All of them. Because of the information came in that it was a staged event. The CIA, FBDI was involved. Pelosi was involved. Pence and so there's a whole family there that if you put them all together that what what we call Operation Jericho to free all of them based on what was happening as a staged event by the left wing. On the 20th of January 2025 they ought to walk through the gates. President Trump should pardon everyone of them. Absolutely. And then you gotta take that guy that killed that young lady Ashley Babbitt. Yep. He deliberately deliberately murdered her. Ashley Babbitt. Ashley Babbitt. Exactly. So in the movie War on Truth that we just released which is the most censored movie ever because they don't want the truth to come out on January sixth. We have never in this movie there's never seen video evidence to show that Ashley Babbitt was actually pulling people away from that window. Not going in to it like they lied to us about. Exactly. So what they have gotten away with will not be under the immunity clause. And it's extremely important. The FBI must be cleaned out. The CIA must be cleaned out. And it all started at the top of those organizations. And they should be Comey and the rest of them should be Brennan Copper. All all those people that were involved in that and and the sale if it was James Baker will find who sold Hammond's scorecard to the Chinese Communist Party and and how many times we know they used it in Brazil and they moved five million one hundred and 88 300twenty-four votes from Bolsonaro to Lulu. Lulu lost that election. But now he's the head of state down there. All this must be cleaned up. And and that's a violation of the Espionage Act. And then Hillary's going to come into that. Hillary must be tried for what she did on destroying all those classified emails. So once you start pulling on this string and doing these things. That's why they're deathly afraid of President Trump The nation needs it. And I do believe we're getting divine intervention Pastor Dave. We must continue to pray that the dear Lord helps expose us to all these criminal acts because they are trying to steal this nation. They stole one election. Maybe two. Alright well we know what they did in twenty-two on the five Republican and again General Vallely I blame the RNC for not demanding recounts on the Senate races in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada and demanding recounts on those because they used cyber on those five posts. I know personally that Pennsylvania Doctor Oz had three hundred and thirty 000 votes transferred using cyber over to a guy that can't even carry on a conversation. The senator there. Although he's now starting to prove to be rather worthwhile because he's being honest in many cases there. But still Doctor Osh would have won it. They took their money that they had and they ran with it. Biden what is seeing in because he's got over $200 million dollars in his re-election campaign that he's going to walk with in accordance with the law. There's no way Biden can after that performance. He wouldn't even last night when he when he attacked the Supreme Court the way he did he wouldn't stand up and ask questions. Because if he doesn't have it on the teleprompter he can't discuss it Pastor Dave. He's a doofus. Yep. So true. So do you both want to talk about Heritage twenty twenty-five? Yeah let me take that. I'll pass it to Tom offense to make any contacts. Uh Heritage Foundation has a mission to build a plan for President Trump when he becomes the president and it's a very broad but very detailed plan on the people that'll be listed to come into the Trump administration personnel. They're doing that. They're also at the functionality of the different departments within the executive branch. Uh the Stand Up America US Foundation which General McInerney air on the board and we run that has provided them 34 pages of different models to rebuild and reawaken and rebrand our military because it's been main so much with the lack of down recruiting reenlistments woke generals and admirals and One of the ideas in there, one of the models is that we will change the Department of Defense to the Department of the Armed Forces of America will put a five-star General Admiral who will be the commander reporting to the president, do away with the Joint Chiefs of Staff do away with half of the Generals and Admirals. Uh half of the political appointees would like Assistant Secretary of this and that. You have a lot of this duplication of staffs in the Pentagon. That's what makes it very efficient and since we haven't really won a war since World War two you can see with the surrender of Afghanistan and what extended the morale and conducting critical race theory DEI LBGQRT and all of that stuff in the military that this is a refocus to model the new Pentagon the New Department of Armed Forces of America and it will be something that's command driven again focusing on the threats that we have the Marines, Army, Air Force, Coast Guard that can in fact take on a mission and win that mission when the president decides we need to do it. So that's sort of a a broad explanation of project twenty twenty-five. And then we formed the MacArthur Society at West Point because we saw the degradation of the Honor Code there. DEI CRT again at the academies and so a number of graduates including Gerald McInerney and I formed the new MacArthur Society and it's MacArthur Society. org if you want to go to it. We need a lot of support there and what we're trying to do is revitalize and reawaken the West Point back to its ideals of values. Uh the honor code's been aside. That that's everything about West Point. Yeah. Uh cadet does not lie, cheat or steal. Uh we've got several West Point Generals now that have lied and we have that coming out in an article but help us at the MacArthur Society and we'll we'll really appreciate it. Also the book you want to highlight the book that's coming out again Dismantling yeah The Dismantling of America the foundation is going to produce that it'll come out at the end of July So here we are. We have four several months to to to November. What are your thoughts? What what does America need to be ready for next? We know it's going to be some sort of nine eleven. We know there's going to be some sort of pandemic. What are your thoughts? Well I've got to be prepared. And and the fact is as you pointed out they're going to do another nine eleven. They're going to try to scare the American people. Set up a situation where people have gotta use these mail in ballots. And we should resist that. You know fully once shame on you. Fully twice shame on me. The pandemic whether it's the bird flu or whatever it is. It it's going to come out and get in. We don't lock down. We don't lockdown. The fact is we know that they're doing it. And we clearly don't want to listen to Doctor Fauci. And then unfortunately much of the medical profession that was in cahoots in in in the COVID-19. All we needed was hydroxychloroquine. We didn't need that expensive. Now President Trump didn't realize that. You know you take your doctor's word and you got prominent people like that. You take their word. But when Trump brought off hydroxychloroquine Fauci turned it off. Fauci needs to go to jail. He needs to be tried for what he did and the the millions of people that have died. The the other things that what because it's triggering something is Pastor Dave fentanyl has killed by the time Biden leaves. It will have killed more Americans than we lost and kill in action in World War two. And and they're not giving us the correct numbers. It's well over 100000 each year. And and the fact is the number of deaths because Biden said one word to Xi Ji Peg about knock it off. And as General Vallely has laid out we could take out every one of those ethanol factories in Mexico. And in one afternoon Pastor Dave we could kill them that we could lock that border down. Yeah. That I believe I believe the open border is what's going to try and and he's got lots of issues Biden does but for declaring an open border I believe that he can be tried for that as well as his Secretary of DHS. They can be tried for that. That is violating our constitution. They've got more than enough for the other issues they've done but the fact is that all these issues they do not have any in in our opinion they do not have immunity for them. It's a violating the constitution of the United States. Yeah let me compliment what General McInerney has said. The next four months are critical. And our advice is that make sure you volunteer to help at the polls in in your in your county. Uh volunteer to go there to help make sure that the votes are correct. There is no violation. Uh we also recommend that locally be on a list like patriot guards for the sheriffs in case of attacks locally. Uh our police are as they've been defunded as you know. Uh the sheriffs can basically form a posse like they could. They can get as many people in as they want to. Uh the the sheriffs have an unlimited ability to be able to call in volunteers to help the sheriffs and criminality cases or anything that may happen in local areas. Be prepared to have at least six months of food available. Water the supply lines are cut. The grid system are down. Uh make sure you're prepared to sustain yourself at the local level. We're not trying to scare anybody Pastor Dave. But we want them to be aware that there's some critical things out there as far as threats to America in our local communities. But the voting is absolutely critical that you you help people and help monitor what's going on at your local polling stations. So that would be my advice. Your thoughts both of you. Does justice prevail? Do we does the Boomerang come back on the the the perpetrators of this treason, sedition, and pure evil. Well it better or worth spinach. Yeah. This will be the last election. They may try to stop this election. As we talked about last time Pastor Dave. Yeah. They have a course of action World War three which we believe if they if they really see it unfolding for them that that they may instigate. We just hope that the Russians don't fall for it. And and but so we don't if justice will prevail. But that's why we're telling and alerting all all your listeners and viewers that justice must prevail. They must become involved in this election and in their community. And because we have we the people have gotta take our government back. It is obvious that Biden is not running it. The Dufus is not running this country. Who is? We say it's Hussein Obama, George Soros, and those other people that have committed treason against this country that we've mentioned. General Valley, your thoughts does justice prevail? Uh it will with the right people and the right leadership and the right changes to how we operate the the federal government of America and I would say the the the governors have a lot to do with this. They can do more than they're doing. The local sheriffs as I said can call in as many individuals as they need locally but we have to be prepared. There's and there's General McInerney in our first chapter on America's End Game for the 21st century. They've there's gotta be a spiritual awakening. Yeah. We gotta get back to truth, integrity, honesty. I mean, these people have got to stop lying that are elected to the American people. They're so dishonest I mean the Schumers, the Pelosis, I mean it's just horrible. They and they don't care about the constitution. And Tom we knew you talked about all the victims out there. Biden and these people don't care about these young girls have been killed and raped. They just don't care. There's no sensitivity there. Um so I'll conclude with those remarks David. Thanks again for inviting us on. We always enjoy your show. Well it's a pleasure having you both on. We have just 2 minutes left. I'd each of you just to have some parting words and this is being aired on the Fourth of July. So, what the Fourth of July means to each of you Generals. I'll I'll kick it off with you, General McInerney. Well, the fourth is the founding of this nation and really we're we're grateful for it but understand America that what is transpiring in the United States today has never happened before when our own domestic forces are creating the greatest problem and the greatest threat to America. General Vallely and I have worked on this very hard but We need more people. Everybody. Everybody has gotta stand up. And after if you watch Biden speak the other day. You know he's not running this government. He couldn't carry on a conversation whereas you have President Trump who's on and speaks for two hours and a whole host of issues. So Wake up and stand up America. Stand up America like General Vallely's and our our our is very important what they're trying to do. Over to you Paul. Um thank you General McInerney. I would say go to Stand Up America US. org as well as His Glory website. Stand Up America US. org. You can get our books, our writings, our publications. Sign up for our weekly newsletter but also donations. Uh after 20 years of being a part of America. We survive on donations. So write us a check. Uh there's a place on there where you can donate. There's a place on there we can get our books but help help us out. We have a great foundation and we believe we're doing great things for America. At least we're connecting the dots for everybody and that takes people to do that. So those that have supported us in the past continue to do so but we thank you and we thank everybody that helps make America great together. Well General's thank you so much. Uh happy 4th of July both of you and God bless you and everything you're doing and light's going to win. God our our our Lord and Savior's going to turn this thing around. We're going to have a Red Sea moment. But we gotta lean in. Absolutely. Have faith but take action. Thank you both. Okay. Thank you Daniel. Bye bye. Well that was our monthly with with both Generals. What a great treat for the 4th of July. Uh we pray that each and every one of you take a special time this Fourth of July. Uh hug a loved one. Pray because as both said if we don't get our country back in the next few months it it could be over this great republic if we can keep it famously said and we need we the people to get this back and then we have to get it back in the name of our king of kings and lord of hosts pray but also listen to what the general said take action because we have a new 1776 moment we're going to have a second revival of this great nation God's not done with his eagle nation God bless you and go in his shalom Thank you.
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