Any Religion?

6 months ago

Pope Francis is at it again. It a talk to young people in Singapore, he pathetically said that all religions lead to God. He criticized those who say that their religion is better than others. This is total heresy. Francis is Pope of the Catholic Church, it is his duty to put forth the authentic Catholic Faith. No one is forced to be a Catholic. The Catholic Church should not compromise its teachings, but Francis has essentially thrown out Catholic teaching by saying that all religions are essentially the same. Francis goes against Biblical and Catholic teaching. As the Bible says, they only way to God is through Christ. Pope Pius IX, Pope Leo XIII, Pope Pius X have strongly condemned such heresy and nearly all popes agree.
Francis is always up to something. Saying that all religions lead to God is likely about his communist belief in a one world order. Francis seems to be nothing short of a communist infiltrator into the Catholic Church who is trying to destroy the Church. Francis has greatly diminished to concept of sin by approving same-sex unions, essentially shutting down Pope Saint John Paul II's Institute for Marriage and the Family ande so much other evil.
And where are the Cardinals and other bishops condemning this evil. The Catholic Church has been watering down the Catholic Faith for 60 plus years. The Catholic Church now has a Pope who is trying to finish the job of eviscerating the Catholic Church and it is crickets from nearly all of the hierarchy. They are obviously worried about retribution from Francis and they like their cushy positions in the Catholic Church. Archbishop Vigano has spoken out and Francis excommunicated him. So has Bishop Joseph Strickland and Francis kicked him out of his diocese of Tyler Texas. And Francis kicked Cardinal Burke out of his apartment at the Vatican for speaking the truth. Francis is an evil force on the Catholic Church, he must be stopped. It appears that it is up to the laity, as the hierarchy remains nearly completely as Francis continues his destruction.

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