Shawn Cassista | of natural man status | upcoming court trial

5 months ago

Shawn here from - an Advocate for Truth, Freedom and Justice. I have recently filed documents for my upcoming trial - trial by force with no injured party - and posted these documents at

Get all the details at the website. In short, i have declared myself a commoner under the rules of equity and common law and inferior jurisdiction is declaring supremacy over my natural "unalienable" rights and God himself.

The documentation myself and others in my group put together is a lot of work. If you read it over the documents a number of times until the light bulb comes on, you will half way to believing you have these same rights and a pathe to reclaim them.

If many would wake up to the laws that were established to protect them, we could be living in a much better world. With that knowledge comes change for the better as that was the purpose of those to create equality and properity for all.

With knowledge, comes power and standing united with this knowledge is the best hope for today's children.

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