Rage Against the Spiritual Machines - Blood $atellite

3 months ago

After hypothesizing which car manufacturing processes could be maintained through guilds during a collapse scenario, Dimes and Judas launch into an in-depth review of Ray Kurzweil’s “Age of Spiritual Machines,” a comprehensive accounting of exponential technological innovation and biological evolution, with the prediction of how this will lead to a singularity after which humanity will fundamentally lose control of technological progress and become demigods in the process.

Taken from Episode #259 – U Wouldn’t Tat a Tutting Nephilim [“AT my disciples listening to kill you can’t be normal”]

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00:00 – Would Technology Survive Through Guilds in a Collapse Scenario?

12:41 – “The Age of Spiritual Machines” Discussion Begins

15:17 – Information Technology Grows Exponentially

16:47 – Achieving Immortality through Technology in the Coming Decades

21:32 – All Evolution is Exponential

29:46 – Virtual Reality and the Future as an Inhabitable Country

37:10 – The Singularity as a Future you Cannot Possibly Predict Past

39:37 – The Law of Time and Chaos

46:19 – Arguments Against the Inevitability of Progress

48:47 – Neural Nets, Quantum Computing, and Building the Human Mind

53:46 – Utility Fog

56:48 – Predictions for 2099

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