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Visa Racism

5 months ago

In this clip, European traveller and vlogger Sara Della Santa (@saradella.santa - Instagram) sheds light on the misconception that Europe is superior to Africa.

The reality is that everything that Europe and the world covet is found within Africa's borders. She urges Africans to reclaim control of their continent and fully embrace their immense wealth and potential.

She also highlights the frustrating inequality and hypocrisy of global travel.

While Western travellers can freely explore Africa, many Africans are denied the same freedom due to restrictive visa policies. This injustice is stark, especially when young Africans, like their European counterparts, simply wish to experience the world without the intention of staying abroad.

Please share your thoughts on the disparity in global travel and on how Africans can reclaim control of their resources and future.

Video Credit: @Africawebtv1 (YouTube)


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  • SOURCES:- 1. https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/africaatlse/2023/06/22/europe-must-make-it-easier-for-africans-to-get-visas/ 2. https://adebayoadeniran.medium.com/without-africa-france-would-be-third-world-country-dafa62cd709 3. https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/739771.shtml

  • it's interesting that the blouse she is wearing is a west african print. there is a certain hard reality that many black people are stupid. europeans believe that africans are inferior, but too many africans believe it to be true. many african's try to hide their feelings of inferiority by making loud protestations about "proud traditions", but is only a cover so that they don't have to admit that they have been fooled. there is an old adage that goes: "it is easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled". when the CNSP called for africans to "decolonize" their minds, they are calling for africans to stop being stupid. it's not africans who need europeans, its the other way around; and if the europeans to threaten to withhold aid, it won't be the end of the world, and you will probably be better off as a result. not surprisingly, a lot of africans don't want to hear that kind of talk, and would rather continue to mindlessly prattle on about "proud traditions..." and "the ancestors..."

  • why do you not have full videos on African stream