1 month ago

Women are being inserted into traditionally male roles at a terrible price.

It’s not a good thing when you try to insert women into male roles, especially when they are exposed to combat or extreme ‘street violence’ such as police often see. Putting women on the front lines in such roles as street cops or as combat infantry only tends to weaken the police or military unit as a whole.

Let’s talk combat infantry for now: Sure, there are strong women in the world but, in the end, they are still women. The Russians tried ‘all-woman’ combat infantry units in their war in Afghanistan. These units suffered horrific losses. In fact losses in all-woman units were over 300% during a 3-year period. Russia dropped the idea of all-woman combat infantry units and no longer employs women in this role.

In the Arab Israeli war, Israel experimented with all-woman combat units. Their reward was a death/injury turnover of nearly 400% over an 18-month period of time. To this day the IDF [Israeli Defence Force] will not put women in combat infantry roles.

Even in Nazi Germany, near the end of the war, Adolf Hitler deployed two highly touted and well-trained all-woman combat infantry units to the front lines. Their losses were horrific and as far as we can uncover, their turnover due to death and injury was over 1100% over a scant 18-months. The German High Command then pulled these units from the front lines and stationed them to garrison duty in Germany and Italy.

Speaking as a physician and a former United States Marine I can attest to the many real and readily provable differences between men and women. While this should be obvious to even those of you with a public education … I will explain;

● Women are constructed with an entirely different set of specifications as men. This is most immediately noticeable in their muscular/skeletal development. This is equally noticeable in their reproductive biology.

It’s their very biology which places them in a precarious position during their menstrual cycle. For about an average of 3 days every 4~5 weeks they are not ‘up to par’.

Israel quickly learned the farcical nature of deploying all-woman combat infantry units. According to Moshe Abrim, former military commander of ground forces, District 2; “A typical unit of 30 women soldiers was never 100% combat ready. Their menstrual cycles differed sufficiently in severity and frequency as to render them less than combat ready. When called to action, we could count on at least 13 of them being unable to answer the call. This represents a force reduction of 43%. Each person in an infantry company serves a specific position and has a specialized role within the unit. Stripping the unit of key personnel destroys their ability to function as a unit..”

He went on to say [hypothetically]; “Say I have a company of 30 woman soldiers and say that among the 43% or so out of commission.

I will have lost machine gunners, mortar operators, field communications soldiers, and others whose training is critical to performance as a unit. With nearly half of my people unable to answer the call I would hesitate to deploy the unit.”

Speaking with David Lamoreaux, retired Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant; “On the average, if there is an average, the last place you want to put women marines in is hand-to-hand combat with insurgents and other ‘dug-in’ enemy combatants. No matter how physically fit they are, their muscularity and anatomy leave them vulnerable to a more sturdily built enemy.”

He went on to say, “Hand-to-hand combat is still common in war. In the Fallujah, Iraq campaign my marines found themselves fighting insurgents one-on-one, hand-to-hand and battling to the death. If we had employed even our best woman marines in this situation, losses would have been unacceptably high.”

There’s no other conclusion to be had on this subject. The facts are that women don’t belong in a combat infantry role. Even in the eyes of the most ardent women’s liberation devotees a woman’s biology precludes them from combat infantry duties.

I’m not going to get into Trans-men in women’s sports because that’s a horse of a different colour.

● Men are men. Women are women. And that’s a damn good arrangement ●

I’m Max, and that’s the way I see it!

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