He's bicycling coast to coast for a good cause

6 years ago

Jay Blanchard is getting ready for the bike riding challenge of a lifetime. On Saturday he will head off on the Trans Am Bike Race. A Trip that will take him coast to coast. He says "we are considered the crazies even among the bike racing crowd." The trek is about 4200 miles and will take him an estimated 25 days. Jay says he plans to ride an average of 150 miles a day. The race is unsupported. That means there will be no follow car and no one keeping tabs on him that can reach out if he needs help. If he gets a flat he says "I'll have extra tires and tubes. I picked points a long the way to have the bike serviced." Jay is taking this challenge to raise awareness and money for the American Widows Project, an organization that helps military widows rebuild their lives after the loss of their husbands. Jay says "who deserves help more than the widows and children that have given up fathers for this country." Yo can follow Jay Blanchard's progress on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as his official website.

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