Assisted Dying: Could It Lead to Legalizing State Murder? - UK Column News

1 month ago

Assisted Dying: Could It Lead to Legalizing State Murder? 
Full news and all the source links:
- The Nuffield Council on Bioethics: Assisted Dying Project
- BBC (2020): Assisted dying travel allowed during lockdown, says Hancock
- The Telegraph (2021): Matt Hancock takes first steps towards legalising assisted suicide
- Sortition Foundation: It's official: we use the fairest selection algorithm
- Harvard Business Review: Eliminating Algorithmic Bias Is Just the Beginning of Equitable AI
- Sortition Foundation: Labour indicates intention to use citizens’ assemblies to address assisted dying and House of Lords Reform
- UK Column: A Dissident's Guide to the Constitution: Episode 5, Part I—Democracy: a British value?
- Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: Morris, William Richard, Viscount Nuffieldfree (1877–1963)
- Dignity in Dying: Assisted dying bill set for Second Reading on 15th November

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