Manowar Blood of my enemies cover

1 month ago

Manowar blood of my enemies bass guitar cover
Blood of my enemies Manowar music video cover
Manowar cover video blood of my enemies

Manowar blood of my enemies bass guitar cover One of the best heavy metal band ever My brother does not like Manowar as they are not fast like exodus of slayer But i like that the band is not always super fast It more heavy and powerful . Manowar has very fast songs like king of kings .

Blood of my enemies Manowar music video coverThe musiciansip is amazing Eric Adams on vocals one of the best singer all together Joey De Maio such an influence on bass guitar I loved the best Ross the boss on guitar Amazing riffs . This is a band that has so many good songs i think few bands in history wrote so many good songs Maybe Iron maiden also did .

Manowar cover video blood of my enemies This song is from the Hail to England album I listened to this album when i was in my grand mother s house in south of France I was 16 Those bands were such amazing revelations . Manowar never sold out all these years .

Manowar blood of my enemies bass guitar cover Watch our channel we have many more heavy metal bass guitar covers . Such as Helloween the dark ride and Megadeth tornado of souls or Omen battle cry . Odin shining love . Some songs are recorded with better sound it is hit or miss Also our band Song of love metal official does not yet have enough support to record amazing quality sound with best sound engineer

Blood of my enemies Manowar music video cover And with the camera i record one time as i need to return to work But some songs have amazing quality Helloween ride the sky and others Did you listen to our orginal songs ? Song of love metal official orgasm planet is the first album It has very good songs and less good The best songs are Orgasm planet, a girl named clit, boner from hell and the instrumental Babylon is fallen Ah and pride is an excellent song too .

Manowar cover video blood of my enemies The next album is Song of love metal official Love and truth American men could be the best song Which is the best song on that album you think ? Our next album will be called First angels message The single is in our channel excellent chorus Sex music, sliding love , Ellen White, Will there be metal in heaven are the singles Go take a listen Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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