Manowar Battle hymn cover

2 months ago

Manowar battle hymns bass guitar cover
Battle humns cover music video Manowar
Manowar music video bass guitar cover

Manowar battle hymns bass guitar cover What makes a band is the songs primarly Then the musicians their skills their perspnality manowar would not have gone anywhere were it not for their amazing gift to write incredible songs . Some of the best heavy metal songs are written by Manowar This is a good example . My relationship with Manowar goes back to when i was about 22 when i heard Manowar Hail to England this was incredible power yet Manowar was one of the many amazing metal bands that was releasing music .

Battle humns cover music video Manowar Those were days of incredible inspiration and songwriting / I love Joey de Maio bass sound and tone I am bass player I love Eric Adams vocals I like the best Ross the Boss on guitar . Some pf the best metl songs epic, powerful strong and incredible melody is from Manowar .

Manowar music video bass guitar cover My brother does not like Manowar too much as he likes the fast speed metal like Metallica Megadeth But slow is powerful also Not all Manowar songs are slow King of kings is fast and other Manowar songs . Some of the best metal albums Hil to England Battle Hymns Manowar the first album and so many other Manowar contain jewels of music

Manowar battle hymns bass guitar cover I like the true metal thing but i think Manowar would do the true music instead of true metal as i believe some melow bands have amazing songs such as White lion, Motley crue early , Kiss and more easy listening bands have amazing music But it is true Manowar is more true metal Like there are true christians and the bible says that most churches are false churches .

Battle humns cover music video Manowar In fact the climax of the bible is revelation and in the last chapters Jesus says that most churches are babylon and a dwelling place for demons and Jesus urges them to come out of those doomed churches as Jesus will send plagues to them . Interesting christina haters think all christians repreent Jesus and they represent the Devil

Manowar music video bass guitar cover In the same way Manowar is good representation of true heavy metal Song of love metal official like and suscribe

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